Phlox 'Florphfawh' FABULOUS™ WHITE. It is resistant to powdery mildew (unlike most other species of phlox). Clumps may be ripped apart and divided in early fall, after 3 to 4 years. STROM - kmenová døevina s korunou, kdy kmen má výšku 190-210 cm, není-li v popisu uvedeno jinak. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Phlox subulata is a mat forming perennial wildflower with evergreen needle-like leaves. Floks (Płomyk) szydlasty 'Fabulous White' Phlox subulata. Kruipvlambloem 'Phlox Subulata Fabulous White' 3 stuks € 10,00. Powiększ. Pojemnik: szt. Perfect for rocky areas, slopes and … Vanaf € 2,35. webshop. Strong and vigorous, it forms a lovely cushion and adds splashes of color for about 3-4 weeks. NEMÁME ROSTLINU SKLADEM? Close × Share This Page. De Fabulous serie is een nieuwe veredeling. Plant Details: Scientific Name: Phlox subulata Common Name: Moss Phlox Hardiness Zone: 4a - 9b Hardiness Degree: -30°F ( … Use these convenient icons to share this page on … Okvětní plátky mají nápadně vykrojený lalok uprostřed. Tap or hover to zoom . Wonderful in the sunny rock garden, for edging, or in mixed containers. Phlox subulata "Fabulous White" płomyk szydlasty ... Bylina osiąga wysokość do 15 cm. Zsohár Kertészet 9938 Nagyrákos, Belsőszer 097/33. USPPP: unlicensed propagation prohibited. Maat pot . Flora Nostra Évelőkertészet Telefon: (+36)-20-938-2200 Email: A fabulous little plant that should not be overlooked! Basket-of-Gold (Aurinia saxatilis syn. General Information: Nicely mounded creeping Phlox. Copyright © 2000 - 2020 Valleybrook International Ventures Inc. Phlox paniculata ‘Natural Feelings’ (Feeli... Alphabetical list of all 4,000+ perennials here. Creeping phlox is a fine groundcover for sunny gardens with moist well drained soil. Plantele sunt la ghivece de 9 cm. Plaménka, flox ´Fabulous White´ (Phlox subulata ´Fabulous White´) nízká kobercová, poléhavá trvalka, květy bílé, IV-V Vyžaduje slunné stanoviště a propustné půdy. Phlox x arendsii 'Miss Margie' Vlambloem . Perfect for rockeries, walls, banks, containers and pots Flowers from late spring - early … Phlox subulata Fabulous™ White. Kan ook gebruikt worden voor hangmanden en potten of rotstuinen. Phlox 'Florphfawh' FABULOUS™ WHITE plamenka (sk. Inaltimea la maturitate 10-15 cm. Phlox x arendsii 'Casablanca' Floks . Alyssum saxatile) is an enchanting low-growing, evergreen perennial that will charm your garden with its masses of shining, golden-yellow flowers on display for 4 to 6 weeks in spring and contrasting splendidly with its gray-green foliage. Atentie. Phlox subulata'Fabulose White' | :: Flora Nostra. Many varieties are evergreen. Rabbits may feed on the foliage but … (=Barseventythree') There are many selections of Moss Phlox, a garden favourite, all of them forming a low mound or cushion of dark green needle-like leaves, smothered by flowers in late spring. CHECK AVAILABILITY. Verlangt een humusrijke en goed doorlatende grond. The hardy cushion will bloom with massed flowers when the bedding season starts. Phlox subulata 'Snowflake' (Creeping Phlox) is an excellent evergreen perennial with masses of starry, pristine white flowers which smother the dark green, needle-like foliage in mid to late spring. Phlox subulata, often called Moss Pink even though it comes in as many colors as the other groundcover Phloxes, is a mat-forming, sun-loving, semi-evergreen herbaceous perennial found in rocky and sandy barrens from New York to Michigan and south to Georgia and Louisiana.Leaves are needle-like or linear, and the … De bloeiperiode is april - mei. Plant database entry for Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulata Fabulous™ White) with one image and 4 data details. Phlox x arendsii 'ADESSA Purple Star' Vlambloem / Flox . KEØ - døevina, která houstne zejména vìtvemi rostoucími od zemì. Kleuren passen goed bij elkaar qua plantbouw en bloeitijd, wat de teelt sterk … Phlox subulata 'Benita' Kruipphlox . Kleur . A Phlox subulata 'Fabulous White' – Árlevelű lángvirág főbb jellemző Habitus: Szőnyegalkotó, legyökerező szárú talajtakaró, gazdagon virágzó évelő.. Virág: Tavasszal nyíló fehér virágai az egész növényt beborítják.. Talajigény: Mérsékelten száraz, jó vízáteresztő, laza, közepes tápanyag ellátottságú, enyhén meszes talaj … POLOKMEN, MINIKMEN - kmenová døevina s ni¾ším kmenem ne¾ má strom, výška kmene je uvedena v popisu velikosti. Uitverkocht Kruipvlambloem 'Phlox Subulata MC Daniel's Cushion 5' 3 stuks € 11,00 Uitverkocht. Since 1950 we have been providing a wide range of perennials, annuals, bulbs, shrubs, vines, amaryllis, gardening tools & supplies, and gifts for gardeners. Many varieties are available in the market today and being quite similar they sometimes get difficult to differentiate among … Phlox subulata FABULOUS 'White' Kruipphlox . Dodaj do koszyka. Phlox subulata Fabulous Blue Violet = 'Florphfabv' (Fabulous Series) RHS Plants for Pollinators plants This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects. Plaménka šídlovitá ´Fabulous White´ - Phlox subulata 'Fabulous White' 69 Kč / ks Phlox paniculata 'Nicky' Tento letní kultivar, s temně fialovými vonnými květy připomínající hortenzii, je ideální pro slunná stanoviště. Następny Poprzedni. Dit artikel is slechts in kleine hoeveelheden beschikbaar en kan plotseling niet meer leverbaar blijken. Phlox x arendsii 'Pink Attraction' Vlambloem / Flox . In May 2015, our native woodland phlox (Phlox divaricata) put on a fabulous forest show at Allerton Park in Monticello. Fabulous -sarjan lajikkeet kukkivat runsaasti n.2 viikkoa muita sammalleimuja aikaisemmin. € 10,00. Tento web pou¾ívá k poskytování slu¾eb a analýze návštìvnosti soubory cookies - podrobnosti naleznete zde . Vhodné je po odkvětu rosltiny ostříhat. Phlox x arendsii SPRING PEARL 'Miss Jill' Floks . Genre: Phlox Espèce: subulata Famille: Polémoniacées Origine: Amérique du nord. … Phlox subulata is relatively pest and disease-free and has moderate drought tolerance. Provides beautiful early-Spring color. Fabulous makes it much easier to integrate this series into your professional … Phlox subulata 'Fabulous White' Low growing, spreading alpine perennial producing an abundance white flowers in late spring.  The evergreen foliage is small and needle like, which quickly forms a dense cushion. EXTRA - Tyto rostliny jsou ji¾ velmi rozrostlé a vìkovì zralé se solitérním vzezøením. Kukinta-aika: Touko-kesäkuu. White Flower Farm • 1-800-503-9624 White Flower Farm is a family-owned mail-order nursery located in northwestern Connecticut. Kod produktu: Cena: 5,49 zł. Phlox stolonifera 'Home Fires' Kruipphlox . Za obchodní velikost se u stromù pova¾uje obvod kmene ve výšce 1m. Phlox subulata FABULOUS 'White' Kruipphlox . Kasvupaikka: Kuiva ja läpäisevä, niukkaravinteinen. Er verschijnen namelijk in de maanden april tot mei vele, kleine witte bloemetjes tussen de kleine, frisgroene blaadjes. Requires good drainage. Sammalleimu - Phlox subulata 'Fabulous White' Lajikkeella puhtaanvalkoiset kukat. Bloei valt vroeger dan de standaard subulata’s. Phlox subulata of Vlambloem of Kruipphloxgenoemd, is een rijkbloeiende vaste plant die groenblijvend is. Provides beautiful early-Spring color. Phlox subulata Fabulous™ White is een groenblijvende bodembedekker. Drought tolerant, once established. Well-branched and it will cover the 11-13 cm pots. Vlambloem (Phlox subulata 'White Delight') Deze razend populaire vlambloem (Phlox subulata 'White Delight') wordt vaak toegepast in een voorjaars- of zomerborder vanwege de prachtige bloei. Ontwikkeld voor de visuele markt met mooi vertakkende planten en sterk blad wat goed winterhard is. Moss phlox is a hardy and reliable perennial used mostly in rockeries and low walls, where it makes a fantastic cover of white, pink, red, purple, mauve or blue flowers in mid spring. De bloemkleur is sneeuwwit. Aurinko-puolivarjo. Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripes' Kruipphlox . This variety produces a showy display of white… Dalším pou¾íváním tohoto webu beru tuto informaci na vìdomí ROZUMÍM. Moss Phlox: USDA Zone: 3-9: Plant number: 1.410.810 (=Barseventythree') There are many selections of Moss Phlox, a garden favourite, all of them forming a low mound or cushion of dark green needle-like leaves, smothered by flowers in late spring. Uitverkocht. Le Phlox mousse est une plante vivace au port étalé, couvre-sol et au feuillage persistant. Vanaf € 3,20. webshop. Plantele nu se livreaza neaparat inflorite ! Istutusväli: 30x30cm. Particularly att… … The Fabulous series is specially made for pot production in early spring. Phlox subulata Fabulous White = 'Florphfawh' (Fabulous Series) Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Telefon: (+36) 94/548-088, Fax: (+36) 94/548-089, Mobil: (+36) 30/256-6491 Join now. Phlox subulata Spring White. Denumire oficială: Phlox subulata Fabulous Rose Denumire populară: flox pitic, brumarele Familia de plante: Polemoniaceae Infloreste primavara cu flori mici, formeaza un covor compact, plin de flori. ZKUSTE PODOBNOU: STANDARD - Rostliny této kategorie jsou 1.jakosti s hustotou vìtví a celkovou šíøkou pøimìøenou vìku a zpùsobu pìstování v kontejnerech. Deze plant is zeer winterhard. Kruipvlambloem 'Phlox Subulata Fabulous White' 3 stuks . Vanaf € 2,35. webshop. Marketing Information: Bench Card Download a Bench Card. Phlox; subulata; White ; Fabulous White. The leaves of tall phlox are much larger and die back at the … HOBBY - Hobby rostliny jsou stejnì kvalitní jako naše bì¾ná standard kvalita, ale jsou mladší a tím pádem menší a levnìjší. ZAVÌTVENÝ OD ZEMÌ - znamená døevinu, která neroste jako klasický keø, ale má kmen a vìtve se objevují ji¾ od zemì a pokraèují vzhùru podél kmene. Clip plants lightly immediately after blooming to encourage a dense habit. Stanowi też cenną roślinę okrywową dla intensywnych, mniejszych założeń zieleni. u TRAV a TRVALEK se vìtšinou uvádí prùmìr kvìtináèe nebo prùmìr trsu, èím¾ se odkazuje na hustota trsu. DE LUXE - Do této kategorie patøí speciálnì vybrané kusy, které na svùj vìk a výšku mají velmi husté vìtvení a celkový luxusní vzhled, zpravidla díky pravidelnému støíhání nebo jiné speciální péèi. The leaves of Phlox subulata and tall phlox are so different from each other that one would be hard-pressed to identify them as related species in the absence of their flowers.Phlox subulata has needle-like leaves, some of which remain green throughout the winter. Spider mites can be a problem in hot, dry conditions, and nematodes can cause damage to the leaves in wet/humid conditions. General Information: Nicely mounded creeping Phlox. subulata) VZRŮST: nízký nebo půdopokryvný ... FABULOUS™ WHITE nese čistě bílé, drobné květy v takovém množství, že nejsou vidět listy. × New and Unread Tree-Mails. Phlox subulata 'Fabulous White' Vroeg bloeiende, breed groeiende, kruipende vlambloem De gemiddelde hoogte is 10 cm. Uitverkocht. Ze względu na swój pokrój Phlox subulata znajduje zastosowanie na rabatach, w ogrodzie skalnym, do obsadzania murków. This variety produces a showy display of white, star-shaped flowers. Vanaf € 2,35. webshop. Phlox subulata 'Amazing Grace' Kruipphlox . Nà de bloei terug snoeien voor een dichte groei. Floks ( Płomyk ) szydlasty 'Fabulous White ' Phlox subulata Fabulous™ White ) with one and. White ' Phlox subulata Fabulous™ White założeń zieleni, star-shaped flowers fall, after 3 to 4 years with! D'Une croissance lente, il mesure 10 à 15 centimètres de haut pour un étalement de à... Množství, že nejsou vidět listy of rotstuinen winterhard is - podrobnosti naleznete zde with one image and 4 details! In spring foliage is covered by masses of starry violet, pinkish or White flowers jsou mladší tím! 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