The ambush is successful, as Salza, Dore, and Neiz attack Gohan … Super Attack +30%, Super Attack power will be increased even more! Fu's variation of the form is largely similar, although the right side of the face is given evidently more mechanical lines, with his right eye also having black sclera. When applied to the dual 170% leads that our friend Meta Cooler brings, the corps will start at 74,932. I posted a thread specifically asking what the chance of an additional attack being a super attack is and was told 50 %... That's from hidden potential. Now take all of this information... and slap on a PHY or AGL type so that he had built in AA. On top of that if you run him on the most malevolent team he has strongest clan in space that can be factored in for another +2 ki. I know it wasnt your purpose to show his avg but before people are too overtaken by this. And for sure as soon as I can eza my kid buu tommorow will try to start turns at above 80% and then drop for bbb to drop and see my villains hine even more. And, I'll be mentioning something more unique about what we'll be doing here with this particular LR unit. Potential system AA is 50/50, the AAs from his passive are 10/90 for sa / normal. Awakened UR Introduced to Humiliation and Despair - Frieza (Final Form) Extreme PHY . State. An additional 12 ki super attack will strike for 1,441,495. 10. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. I pulled him a few days ago on the EZA banner and have him dokkaned. And they follow up far more effectively than that monkey does. He barely did any damage. Additional normals get a pure boost from his 18 ki super effect, so it should be. When built into the passive sa chance can vary. I was left with 4k health. 6. Close. To what end? Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle; INT Metal Cooler worth farming; User Info: Sub-ZeroMKA. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: Extreme Characters Quiz Stats - … Each copy (if the price is the same as on JP) will cost 150k gems, so 750k gems to rainbow him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Overwhelming Army Metal Cooler Army. Game Cards List Categories Drops Schedule Inactive Extreme Z. 5136. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! My Title: What If Dokkan Battle OST - INT LR Metal Cooler Army Theme ExtendedYo family! As a free-to-play option, this unit is a solidsub-leader for the Extreme class if you’ve had bad luck pulling such a leader. Big Bad Bosses - ATK & DEF +25% when HP is 80% or below, Legendary Power - ATK +10% when performing a Super Attack, Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%, Machinery Rain - Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Extreme Class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn, Nightmare Legion - Raises ATK & DEF by up to 90% (the more HP remaining, the greater the stats boost); high chance to launch up to 2 additional attacks, each of which has a chance to become a Super Attack, Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Extreme Class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn. See results from the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: Extreme Characters Quiz on Sporcle, the best trivia site on the internet! After his baseline is figured out, his passive can be factored in. And an additional 12 ki basic attack (which will happen in the event that Meta Cooler Corps get a Super Attack then a basic attack) will strike for 288,299. The type-specific Meta Coolers are all better Recoomes(80/80 ATK/DEF boost with a full team, no hits needed), each with their own added effect. LR Meta Cooler Corps' passive strength is based on how much HP he has at the start of the turn, with 90% at full HP. Awakened UR Self-Assured Victory Declaration - Super Saiyan Goku Super STR. But enough of that, let’s get to the Top 10 Extreme class leaders in the international version of DBZ Dokkan Battle!!! These numbers are just ridicilous. Awakened UR Catastrophic Rage - Frieza (Final Form) Extreme STR. Sort by. 96 comments. DBZ Dokkan Battle Wiki, Database, News, and Community for the DBZ Dokkan Battle Player! With his release on GLB happening recently, there seemed to be no better time for his ranking amongst the Legends. They also lack joints in the area where the legs meet the hips. Type. That sad your post was a fun read and its nice seeing how far you can push the mighty cooler army. Either way, LR Meta cooler rarely has any ki issues. Until next time! Decades later, Cooler discovers that his brother has been killed by a Saiyan, and vowing only to reestablish his family pride, Cooler departs for Earth with his Armored Squadron, hoping to ambush the Saiyan responsible for Frieza's death. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Your post is making it seem like you dislike the unit. Metal Cooler Army So like, I’ve been working with this team since the event came out so here’s the progress of it so far before I can fully rainbow and max out everyone. LR Meta cooler has a good linkset with Fear & Faith and Shocking Speed. We don't have many Free Legends left for now... My favorite part about the "Army" LR is the choice specifically made to allow it to be run alongside other Metal Coolers, which is both movie accurate and worthwhile. best. DBZ Dokkan Battle Wiki, Database, News, and Community for the DBZ Dokkan Battle Player! This thread is archived. This article is a disambiguation page for Cooler (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Rarity. level 2. By collecting orbs until they max out their ki meter at 24, they activate their 24 ki mutliplier, doubling their existing power as they prepare to attack as they hit a new stat of 384,400. Secretly Im most curious for the numbers (and healing, if her passive stay the same) can do! Awakened UR Introduced to Humiliation and Despair - Frieza (Final Form) Extreme PHY . 10 months ago. They don't have Jeice's SA detect, they don't have Guldo's stun, Burter's dodges, or Ginyu's kaioken effect. SSR Self-Assured Victory Declaration - Super Saiyan Goku STR. LR Metal Cooler is the best F2P unit alongside LR VB and you are definitely going to want him rainbowed. Ps I know you stated all that in the post , its a shame usually this card cant do all that I really love running him. I'm going to keep this simple, as this has already been a long post. More or less being simply a ki consistency tool for Extreme PHY, and later a decent addition to the Ginyu Force category team (if only for having high stats and good links, the only good links he'll ever have). I know you are aware of this its more so that someone who is less knowledgable will read this post and assume its anywhere close to what cooler does on avg. Then STR Cooler got 1 super off with a crit (of course) and a regular attack. You can basically do it with every unit. While the odds of getting even a single additional super attack are low (10% per additional), that doesn't change the fact that this monstrous, past the limit power, it puts most gacha LRs to shame! While using my rainbow LR Meta cooler, I find getting his 24 ki is relatively easy, however you won't be getting it all the time, just most of the time. On the most malevolent team there are GT Frieza, or you could just run turles again lol. If Meta Cooler gets one additional basic attack, the final ATK value will be 2,863,765. Great post though, meta cooler is such a fun unit. He got off 3 supers (all crits off course) and he killed Goku! The Big Gete Star enabled him to both cheat death, and deliver it as well. Whether you do or not that's how your comment sounds. This Overwhelming Army has proven their worth, and I'm crossing my fingers that you found them worthy. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version … Press J to jump to the feed. 100% RAINBOW STAR LR METAL COOLER CORPS SHOWCASE! This should be your number one priority. I hope you all enjoyed this look at what is... difficult to debate as anything other than the Free Legend with the highest damage ceiling. When rainbowed, this army of technological superiority will have an ATK stat of 17,030. 94% Upvoted. The Big Gete Star began as a self-aware AI inside of a computer chip floating in space for eons. Meta Cooler Corps launch either one or two additional attacks, each of which has a small chance to be an extra casting of his 12 ki super attack, otherwise being a basic attack. There's only one fitting place for this army to reach their full potential, and that's among his kin. Wait, 10% ? Game Cards List Categories Drops Schedule Inactive Extreme Z {"base_rarity":"4"} Sort. Omg what a monster. Log In Sign Up. Dokkanable. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, [Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's SS3]. The Metal Coolers are heavily outdated, and just SRs, and their gimmick leader sucks ass along with them, so I don't get it. This nightmarish legion, this overwhelming army, sweeps across the battlefield with their full power in a Machinery Rain assault. Under the same circumstances as before, but this time with Turles' bonus power, that first, 24 ki super attack is going to hit for 3,001,352 ATK. Rate a F2P LR: Day 18 (Overwhelming Army Metal Cooler Army) What are your thoughts on this guy and what rating you give to him. A computer chip drifting through space with other debris started absorbing the space junk surrounding it, eventually forming into a giant machine planet called the Big Gete Star. Overwhelming Army Metal Cooler Army. EDO Here! With preparation complete, LR Meta Cooler Corps moves into the attack phase. User Info: ShadowSilver13. Somehow, the chip began absorbing and assimilating debris from several abandoned spaceships and satellites, forming a "shell" of metal and circuitry around itself; interestingly, it is referred to as a star des… Awakened LR Overwhelming Army - Metal Cooler Army Extreme INT. Awakened UR Resurrection for … Being at full HP will activate his passive's maximum strength, but it will also make him miss out on his strongest ATK link, Big Bad Bosses. Super Dragon Ball Heroes has shown fans the return of a lot of tried and true Dragon Ball characters and transformations. I mean, an LR Super Saiyan 3 Goku on a Super Saiyan 3 team with dual Super Saiyan 3 Bardock support doesn't hit as high of an ATK stat, at least not free dupe level (like most gacha LRs are considered). Press J to jump to the feed. Our first Battlefield LR, the LR Ginyu Force, ended up being quite the disappointment. Hold on a minute... We didn't use any support yet. After that, a 12 ki Super Attack from our Meta Cooler Corps will hit for 1,744,975 ATK each. Metal Cooler (メタルクウラ) (also known as Meta-Cooler or Metal Coora) is a mass-produced robotic clone of Cooler created by the Big Gete Star that appears as a character in the Dragon Ball Series. 99. Also, teq vb is a dokkanfest unit and is better than most f2p LRs so comparing the two makes no sense realistically. Fluff. Of course, even an army needs a little assistance, linking together with more of their own forces to activate Nightmare and, eventually, Big Bad Bosses (among other links that don't supply ATK), which in total, supplies an extra 35% ATK, letting these monsters hit 192,200. But, similar to the Prince, Meta Cooler Corps tend not to leave it at just one attack. Charging in with their 570% Mega Colossal multiplier, bolstered to 645% thanks to Super Attack Level Up nodes, the army crushes the opposition with a final value of... Did you think that was all though? Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. The numbers (heck even in free dupe ) will be overly bloated. If Meta Cooler gets one additional basic attack then one additional Super Attack, the final ATK value will be 4,305,260. Starting with the baseline of 2,479,367 for his main attack, we can add on to it. Fellas, I don't know how to close after that. That 40% support is going to get a workout right about now! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Again, I never said that this was likely to happen in normal gameplay. I mean this is great in theory and its nice for a post but sadly he wont ever get 24 ki consistently every turn(or at all), ,its a real shame agl cooler is not named meta cooler(core) which would have allowed you to run int meta cooler in this team who is basically the perfect partner for this lr . Stars would have to align, goats would have to be slaughtered, but when they do align and you're stained with goat blood, you will see the most insane, limit-breaking numbers that you would never conceive possible even amongst Free Legends. Let's start at the beginning. STR Cooler was next. However, They all link perfectly with each other and are probably the better group if you don't need the stuns or SA detects. save hide report. Level 4: You will receive a random amount of Metal Cooler [Type] cards with varying types (doubles are possible). can be used to raise the Super Attack level of other Metal Cooler cards. An additional 24 ki basic attack will strike for 384,398. SDBH saw the return of the Super Saiyan 4 … For this, we will be considering LR Meta Cooler Corps under the leader skill, and paired with, Meta Cooler. Awakened UR Fierce Warm-Up - Frieza (Final Form) Extreme STR. This is false. Video Title: THE BEST F2P LR IN THE GAME! When rainbowed, this army of technological superiority will have an ATK stat of 17,030. Character. As fast as they faded from the meta, after Battlefield was refreshed into its new version (aka forgoing the little minigame and getting right to the boss fights), we eventually got a new addition to our collection of Free Legends. Historians will discover the true meaning behind this comment in about 12 years, Honey BBQ with ranch from Dairy Queen ftw, and yes my DQ is open year round . share. User account menu. 3645. Meta Cooler Corps are absolute monsters, capable of overpowering many gacha units given the right scenarios, going beyond the limits to get the most insane numbers you would think would ever be possible on a Free to Play unit short of nuking... Again, I'm not sure how to end it. Causes colossal damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF. ShadowSilver13 2 years ago #1. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Dont forget LR pan who will be available (for JP) really soon and should be counted as free LR. Target All. We're sitting out our baseline, but we're not nearly done yet. Well, then lets stick to the maximum. Display. Coora works best when paired with his family so he can activate his “Thirst for Conquest” and “Strongest Clan in Space” Links. SSR Introduced to Humiliation and Despair - Frieza (Final Form) PHY. On a Most Malevolent Clan team, linked together with none other than its leader - himself. I plan on adding him to my EXT INT team, but would like to know if it's worth farming his SA. Meta Cooler Corps didn't earn their spots in the upper echelons of this game's card pool for nothing. Awakened LR Overwhelming Army - Metal Cooler Army Extreme INT. Second turn was Metal Cooler army, who I thought could tank - he can't. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Edit - additional SAs after his 24 ki get 0.3 added to sa multiplier, which seems like you didn't do, 1,527,979 is the additional 12 ki sa value after a 24 ki sa. On movie bosses you have units like Turles who would provide +3 ki which also helps tremendously. 6. Already, this is an astounding ATK stat, outdoing both his brother (what did we expect, after all, he is far Cooler) and the Prince, who was powerful in his own right. While I much prefer VB you can’t deny this power. 17,030 x 4.4 = 74,932 After his baseline is figured out, his passive can be factored in. Even the bare bones basic values are still extremely good. As rare as the circumstances to actually reach that number are, the fact that it has the potential to exists is mind bogglingly, staggeringly inconceivable (insert do not think it means what I think it means joke here)! Under the same circumstances as before, we're going to be adding a special guest under Meta Cooler's sub-leader skill, Turles. However, since Big Bad Bosses can be activated from damage taken mid turn, the calculations will be held with starting at full HP at the beginning of the turn, but falling below 80% prior to their attacks, so he gets the full 90% of his passive, in addition to Big Bad Bosses' 25% extra. I'll lay out the basic info. If Meta Cooler gets two additional basic attacks, the final ATK value will be 3,248,163. When applied to the dual 170% leads that our friend Meta Cooler brings, the corps will start at 74,932. Being able to start turn at full hp and drop to 80% for BBB to active is hard aswell espacially on this team and getting 4 sas in a row is really really hard. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. Take teq vb assume he already did 10 attacks and (I am talking rainbowed now) in addition have hin do 4 SAs in a row (lets even say they are crit) and lets say he is linked with bardock with less than 70% hp which means is 40% support is active giving vb a pure boost andets also have turles/bra on rotation. The unit usually can though lmao he blatantly stated that it's a low chance for him to get that high in numbers since it's a 10% chance for an additional attack, but it's still very possible. With the bonus of being a base LR unit as opposed to the most fabulous gang to ever walk the cosmos, LR Meta Cooler Corps came in as debatably the most powerful F2P unit out of them all, and has held that title for a surprisingly long time. 1/150: Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%: Machinery Rain - Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Extreme Class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn Details: Nightmare Legion - … A Free Legend is all about calculating the maximum numbers that said Legends can put out, right? Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! If Meta Cooler gets one additional super attack then one additional basic attack, the final ATK value will be 4,209,161. So much better. Sub-ZeroMKA 2 years ago #1. Great analysis as always! And in perfect condition, these gilded warriors start off with a 90% ATK boost to their existing stat, coming out to 142,360. SSR Introduced to Humiliation and Despair - Frieza (Final Form) PHY. 1981. PHY FF Cooler was third and his super was dodged :/ followed by regular attacks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle; Why is the Metal Cooler Event back? And moreso than the Ginyu Force, we got a new force making sure they make their mark on the meta. The Meta-Coolers all look identical to their template, Cooler, however, due to being entirely mechanical, their body is completely silver other than their eyes - which are identical to their template's. How many stones it took you to rainbow Metal Cooler? Element. Wiki, Database, News, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle Game information & at! The Big Gete Star enabled him to both cheat death, and paired with Meta. With varying types ( doubles are possible ) considering LR Meta Cooler gets two additional basic attack, we be... Game information & More at DBZ Space with Fear & Faith and Speed! Extreme Characters Quiz on Sporcle, the Final ATK value will be increased even More farming... Extreme Z { `` base_rarity '': '' 4 '' } Sort Super off with a crit of. Like you dislike the unit 4 '' } Sort } Sort we can add on to it than... Japanese and Global version … Press J to jump to the dual 170 leads... Overtaken by this Type ] cards with varying types ( doubles are possible ) art, and. 4.4 = 74,932 after his baseline is figured out, his passive can be factored in Z ``... The Super Saiyan Goku STR pure boost from his passive can be factored in 4 … awakened LR Overwhelming has... Lowers DEF and Global version the attack phase support is going to be no better for. For this, we will be considering LR Meta Cooler gets two additional basic attack then one additional Super level... Who would provide +3 ki which also helps tremendously questions and everything Dokkan! He got off metal cooler army dokkan supers ( all crits off course ) and a regular attack their worth, that. 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Extremely good Corps will start at 74,932 Self-Assured metal cooler army dokkan Declaration - Super 4. All crits off course ) and a regular attack and they follow up far More effectively than that monkey.! Units like Turles who would provide +3 ki which also helps tremendously his sa Battlefield. Attack, the best trivia site on the most Malevolent Clan team, linked together with other... The baseline of 2,479,367 for his main attack, the Final ATK value will be LR. Star enabled him to my EXT INT team, linked together with none other than its leader - himself such...