If you guess incorrectly, then you'll be treated to a random theme instead of some hard coded default. * vcenter - Align an element or an entire row to the "center" of the row. There are a number of features used in this Recipe including: Paste the long data you got from the webpage inside the quotes after the b. When working with PNG/GIF files as button images the background you choose for the button matters. When you call "print", your text will be routed to that Output Element. PySimpleGUI also supports creating graphs. The reason is that the contents inside may not fit inside your hard coded size on some computers. In 2020 a new set of APIs, the Exec APIs, were added to PySimpleGUI. The checkbox at the top of the left column can be checked in order to display the window with the custom titlebar and custom menubar. Here's the example with the cancel using a custom key: There are a number of applications built using a GUI that involve a grid of buttons. However, in order to do so, you must run the program on the OS you are targeting. If you want multiple windows running simultaneously, then you will need to set keys for each window. The reason for this is that if you do not, the call will output to the window and then immediately return and your program will likely continue on and exit. Note, if you simply copy the link to the image that's created, in your readme.md file you will see only the link. You don't wait forever for a new event. Because you're choosing one value from a list of 2 or more, what you need is a Radio Button rather than a checkbox. A quick explanation about this document. Outputting text is a very common operation in programming. Since the Listbox is the shorter height, you could add vtop just to that element. There is a small, 1 pixel, cost to this operation. In that case, you simply pass this image to the convert function along with the new size you want it to be. It presents a rectangular box which when clicked displays a check mark (or removes it when it already has one) and a caption next to it. If this program was launched by double clicking a .pyw file or some other technique that doesn't involve a debugger or command line, then what you would see is this: Your window would disappear and you would have nothing to help you understand why. If you're using PyCharm, this technique works particuarly well because the DocStrings continue to work even after you have created aliases. Searching for "sg.Image(" will return the demos that make this element. Use this recipe to do just that. It sdoesn't matter which project you open it under. You've learned how to use explorer to double-click and launch your GUI window without a console. There's a Popup function that will get a Filename for you. This method was added to PySimpleGUI tkinter port in June 2020 and needs to be ported to the other ports still. Launched in 2018. A HUGE "THANK YOU" to the PyInstaller project for making a brilliant program that enables Python programmers to share their work with non-Python users. Because it's an actively used educational capability, you'll find newer PySimpleGUI features demonstrated there. You'll find that nearly all of the Elements have multiple names that can be used for them. This is handy for when you're looking for a specific way something is used. In this example, there is a Listbox on the left that is 3 rows high. This is done in 2 steps. Here's the search results for "red x icon" using Bing with a filter. If you place a Push on the right side, then it will "push" the element to the left. The layout is both center justified and center aligned. Your first Python program may have been. The problem is simple enough. you have a GUI and when you press a button, you want a 10 second operation to take place while you're GUI patiently waits. The other two are the Column and Frame Elements. column1 = [ [sg.Text ('Column 1', justification='center', size= (10, 1))], [BaseTag.append ( [CBtn (Bx)]) for Bx in Tags1]] But I get a AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ParentContainer' Final This was suppose to be easy. They are located in the folder DemoPrograms and there is also a Demo Programs folder for each of the PySimpleGUI ports. The effect is quite nice and the implementation involves one simple operation - add a Push element to the start of each row that has an Input. Now you can add spaces, change the case, even move words around and you'll still get the correct theme. However, there's an ever better technique. You can do something about that by using PySimpleGUI themes. First you lookup the element, then you call that element's update method. This code is from a Demo Program named Demo_Window_Location_Finder.py and will help you located the x,y position on your monitors. By enabling events for the input field, you'll get an event when that field is filled in. As the digits are entered using the buttons, the Input Element above it is updated with the input digits. They perfect exactly the same check. Of course your overall design can be OOP. That foundation changes over time as the package improves. You will still get the docstrings if you're running PyCharm so you're not losing anything there. It gives them a target. If you are writing a "typical Windows program" where the window stays open while you collect multiple button clicks and input values, then you'll want Recipe Pattern 2B. This tool enables you to search, edit and run the Demo Programs. If you have set up an editor in the global settings for PySimpleGUI, then you don't need to set up an editor in the browser demo. Added in version 4.25.0 was the ability to re-route stdout and stderr directly to any Multiline element. For example, for "Dark Blue" there are 12 different themes (Dark Blue, and Dark Blue 1-11). It's through the Cookbook and the Demo Programs that new PySimpleGUI constructs and naming conventions are "rolled out" to the user community. By using Input elements the user can either use the Browse button to browse to select a file or they can paste the filename into the input element directly. They're suggestions, but if you do follow them, your code is a lot easier to understand by someone else. You've already seen (above) that to get an event immediate when an element is interacted with in some way you set the enable_events parameter. We'll change the exception handling portion this time to be these 2 lines of code: We're still print to the Debug Window, but we've removed the wait parameter because the popup call immediately after it will stop the program from exiting. The PySimpleGUI repl.it repository is also used, but it doesn't provide the same kind of capability to provide some explanatory text and screenshots with the examples. Notice how using vtop in the example above replaces the entire row with just the vtop call. In other words it is not a cross-compiler. To make a shortcut, right click your .pyw file and choose "Create Shortcut". No, but I'm wring a little 100 line packet of fun. You'll see a window like this which will tell you what will open the file if you double click it. It'll try and launch Python instead. Buttons have 2 colors so be sure and pass in TWO color values when specifying buttons (text color, background color). If you want to use the Multline element as the destination for your print, but you don't want to go through your code and modify every print statement by adding an element lookup, then you can simply redefine your call to print to either be a function that adds that multline element onto the print for you or a lambda expression if you want to make it a single line of code. It doesn't matter what event caused the window.read() to return. It is more or less a 'form' meant to quickly grab some information and then be closed. OR Drag and drop your image info the comment section. Finding valid license for project utilizing AGPL 3.0 libraries, 12 gauge wire for AC cooling unit that has as 30amp startup but runs on less than 10amp pull. After those then there are other parameters after the variable numbered *args. After I created the shortcut, a file named Demo_Desktop_Widget_Launcher_Bar.pyw - Shortcut was created in the same folder. The lines shwon in the "Open Editor" window don't yet show the code that is contained on each of those lines. The reason for this is that the vtop function returns a list (i.e. There is an entire set of API calls now available to you in PySimpleGUI to help with "settings". scattered in your code, more complexity, and possibly more confusion. One such example can be found in Demo_Graph_Element_Sine_Wave.py. 3. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. . The window is read and then closed. The Persistent window is one that sticks around. Trying to force fit them into an OOP design doesn't buy anything other then lots of self. I guess, I'm bending the framework too much. Beginning in 4.18.0 you can "print" to any Multiline Element in your layouts. This is a single-line GUI: Shows this window and returns the results from the user interaction with it. Right click your .pyw file and choose "Properties". On Windows, they're often named with a .pyw extension. Beware, however, that turning your program into an EXE can impact the settings file as your filename won't look the same to the Python code. Use caution when using windows with a timeout. The power of the Window.write_event_value is that it can be used at any time, not just at the beginning and end of operations. And, you can change them at any point, even mid-way through defining a window layout. Abuse it an bad things will happen. A zero value is a truly non-blocking call, so try not to abuse this design pattern. If you want to re-route your standard out to your window, then placing an Output Element in your layout will do just that. checkbox_color . It's better that you see examples using the newer windows.read() names. PySimpleGUI is a new Python GUI library that has been gaining a lot of interest recently. You'll find the Exec APIs documented in the main documentation and the Call Reference. To do this, you can drag and drop the icon onto the taskbar. When you're done with your window, close it. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The Debug window The checkbox element provided by pySimplegui, to add in a Python GUI application, has the following syntax with most commonly used attributes. If you are brand new to PySimpleGUI, then you're getting your foundation here. The first line is the currently accepted way of performing this lookup operation and what you'll find in all of the current demos. If so, then break out of the Event Loop and likely exit the program when that happens for simple programs. It does, however, automatically install the latest version of PySimpleGUI for many of the examples. Your GitHub visitors may never have made a GUI and need to see a beginner GUI just as much as they need to see more complex GUIs. Doon't be shy. At the moment the only way I can choose whether the file type will be python or webapp is by inputting either '1' or '2' respectively. To add this feature, add these 2 lines to your event loop: This one is easy. A little more detail on a few of them that aren't obvious. These auto-numbered keys are ints starting at zero. Quickly add a GUI allowing the user to browse for a filename if a filename is not supplied on the command line using this simple GUI. If you attempted to interact with the window by pressing the "Nothing" button, then you will likely get a message about your window stopped responding. You cannot run psgcompiler/PyInstaller on Windows and produce a Mac executable. The Multiline element has an option for auto-refreshing after an update. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Since you may not be able to always have access to the window when printing, especially in code that it not your own code, another parameter was added auto_refresh. The line of code will resemble this: Copy the line of code that is created in the comment. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue If you want to directly user PyInstaller instead of psgcompiler, then you can install the packages separately and use PyInstaller directly. Sometimes you just need to get a couple of filenames. Normal use of theme calls is to retrieve a theme's setting such as the background color. They're guidelines / tips / suggestions / ideas meant to help you. Here is the same program, but we've added a try block around the entire event loop. Dunno if it's the safest way to go, but it's certainly the most compact. The next thing printed is the values variable that holds the dictionary of return values from the read. To use this feature, rather than using the default window location of "centered on your primary screen", set the location parameter in your Window creation to be the location you wish the window to be created. You can access the PySimpleGUI Global Settings from Test Harness by calling sg.main(). And second row consists of descriptive text, input field and file browser. Manage Settings A line of code will be inserted when you add a the image to your GitHub Issue's comment. For persistent windows, after creating the window, you have an event loop that runs until you exit the window. GETTING STARTED - Copy these design patterns! Many of our first GUIs involve collecting small bits of information and then continuing on with processing that input. There are 2 rows in this GUI. By pairing an Input element with a browse button, you give the user the ability to do a quick paste if they've already got the path on the clipboard or they can click "Browse" and browse to get the filename/foldername. This makes it really easy to write generic code that will update fields in either window, the only difference will be which Window is updated. We've all experienced what happens when a GUI program "locks up". It works well in PyCharm too. They're super SIMPLE to use and work well. PySimpleGUI will store all the settings in the default settings folder if you don't specify one. The way we're achieving output here is by changing a Text Element with this statement: window['-OUTPUT-'] returns the element that has the key '-OUTPUT-'. You are writing "real GUI code" (as one user put it) that will look and act like other windows you're used to using daily. Checkbox elements return a value of True or False. PySimpleGUI is different than tkinter and Qt. If you wish to locate / create a window on the monitor to the LEFT of your primary monitor, then set the X value to a negative value. It's another tool to help you achieve simple code. When you choose a color and click OK, a popup like this one is shown: That was simple enough. The Canvas Element is one of the few tkinter objects that are directly accessible. From here you can search these documents. Think of the sides of a window as a wall that cannot move. grab_anywhere_include() . You can see this line when in the "Write" mode for the Issue.. This is a little widget you can leave running on your desktop. This will reroute all of your print statements out to the debug window. The functions used to retrieve a theme setting can also be used to modify the setting by passing in the new setting as a parameter. The various forms of "print" you'll be introduced to all support the sep and end parameters that you find on normal print statements. The VAST majority of Python projects posted on GitHub do not contain a GUI. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Printing in color is only operational if you do not reroute stdout to the debug window. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? The window is closed using the "X" The best way to use the Verbose feature is to perform the search with it turned off. Beginning in verison 4.25.0 of the tkinter port you'll find new parameters for the Multline Element that makes the job of re-routihn your output much easier. They work in similar ways in that they both return a bool True/False, but the Radio Button ensures only 1 of the choices is made. NOTE - this feature is 99% complete! text . It's usually better to allow the window's size to "float" and be automatically sized to fit the contents. On the Windows operating system, it's possible to create your window on monitors other than your primary display. You can change this by modifying the theme at runtime. If you're ready for a more Windows-like experience for you and your users, then these steps should get you there. By default the alignment on each row is center. The Multiline.print method acts similar to the Print function described earlier. The spinner changes the number of seconds between reads. This recipe shows how to use invisible elements to create a window with 2 sections that can be collapsed down to a single line with an arrow on it. But maybe you're impatient and don't want to have to cick "Ok". Let's go 1 step further. With PySimpleGUI you have many options available to you so fear not. Why recreate the wheel? I chose this one from the list: Or, you can right click the icon and choose "pin to taskbar". There are 2 ways to use PySimpleGUI with Matplotlib. With the pin function, this problem was solved. Here's the code with the new operation broken up into 10 parts. All of your PySimpleGUI programs will utilize one of these 2 design patterns depending on the type of window you're implementing. The values is a dictionary of values of all the input-style elements. PySimpleGUI.Checkbox (text, default, checkbox_color) Checkbox . (Tenured faculty). The parameter element_justification controls how elements within a container or Window are justified. The pysimplegui table allows to select various rows by means of Ctrl and Shift as usual, but i need to do this only by clicking at the rows. Let's say you like the LightGreeen3 Theme, except you would like for the buttons to have black text instead of white. They are a list of lists. Trinket does not have this more expansive capability. 2. (famous last words that screw up just about anything being referenced). This can be done through simple assignment. Multi-Window applications are also simple. The most basic form of converting your exiting print into a Multline based print is to add the same element-lookup code that you would use when calling an element's update method. With PySimpleGUI you do not need to setup the meter outside the loop. Like the Timer widget above, this script can be kept running. * These should be used sparingly This allows your GUI application to simply stop, pend and awaken immediately when something happens. How do I check whether a file exists without exceptions? There was also a problem of the space not shrinking when make from visible to invisible. These 3 lines of code do the same thing. Will like to contribute the code for this and also added expanded Tree demo file to include checkbox treeview example and how to use new functionality. Using the Code Like other packages, PySimpleGUI can be installed using the pip command as follows: pip install pysimplegui --user Elements can move, but the side-walls cannot. Grab the yellow square with your mouse to move the tool around your screen. By following some simple coding conventions you'll be able to copy / paste demo program code into your code with minimal or no modifications. Use an absolute path. The Push works on a row by row basis. The way to get the same result as callbacks is to simulate them with a recipe like this one. With these programs, you loop, reading and processing "events" such as button clicks. The old code still runs, but as more features are developed and better practices are discovered, you'll want to be using newer examples and coding conventions. Normally you would need to use a debugger so that the crash is caught when it happens or use a logging module that writes to disk. I'm trying to create a simple GUI program in Python that I'd use when creating new projects. It's an imperfect world, but let's make the most of what we've got. I shuffled around your code blocks / functions too so that the GUI code remains together instead of the functions being right in the middle of it all making it a little difficult to see. If you do not specify a key and the element is an input element, a key will be provided for you in the form of an integer, starting numbering with zero. Some applications, such as those that run in the system tray or are "Desktop Widgets" are meant to run entirely without a console. The same function name as before is called long_function. Let's say that you need to match a logo's green color and you've come up with matching other colors to go with it. In version 4.35.0 of PySimpleGUI the Exec APIs were added. It's best to check with the Demo Propgrams as they are updated more frequently than this Cookbook. Bummer. It takes about 70 lines of code to show all of the elements in this one window. Each time you call sg.Print, the information will be added to output that's already in the Debug Print Window. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. There are 2 operating modes for the debug window. You can run similar code online on Trinket. The default keyt is fine. Normally, each row is left justified in PySimpleGUI (unless you've set a parameter in the Window object or the row is in a Column element that has a setting that impacts justification. The entire Popup based solution for this get filename example is: How about a GUI and traditional CLI argument in 1 line of code? If I then uncheck the "Show onlyu first match in file" then I can see when multiple matches are found in a file. As an example of one way to use this function, included here is the Demo Program you'll find in the demo programs area on the GitHub: One particuarly good use of this function is when you want to add a graphic to a button. It will output to StdOut (standard out) which is normally the shell where the program was launched from. At the moment, only PyInstaller is supported. A classic problem of GUI programming is when you try to perform some operation that requires a lot of time. If you like this Cookbook, then you'll LOVE the 300 sample programs that are just like these. Requiring users to install PIL was simply not acceptable for the package, but it's fine for demo programs and helper functions like this one. You can click the "Change" button to change what opens the file. The point is that there is no concept of an "App" or a never-ending event loop or callback functions. The first window is hidden to discourage continued interaction. Think of it as how you would want your function called. This will cause the Read call to return a "timeout key" as the event every 10 milliseconds has passed without some GUI thing happening first (like the user clicking a button). Trying to code in that style is likely to not result in success. . In verbose mode and all matches are shown, when a file is selected from the list and the "Edit" button is clicked, then another window will show you the list of lines that matched and allows you to click on the line to be taken to. The two types of windows are: The One-shot window is one that pops up, collects some data, and then disappears. 325+ Demo programs & Cookbook for rapid start. The first one is a Matplotlib previewer. 2. Saw this example layout written in tkinter and liked it so much I duplicated the interface. It's "tight", clean, and has a nice dark look and feel. The color portion of the cprint call is achieved through additional parameters that are not normally present on a call to print. Both are in the Demos folder (Demos.PySimpleGUI.org). They are simple programs that are quick for beginners to knock out and get a few accomplishments so their confidence builds. How do I merge two dictionaries in a single expression in Python? add ( row ) data [ row + 1 ] [ 0] = CHECKED_BOX window [ '-TABLE-' ]. While covered in "cprint", this trick can save you MASSIVE amount of typing. The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Input values are collected, but rather than closing the window, it is kept visible acting as a way to both input and output information. Running these 2 calls produced these 2 lines of text in a Multiline element. The check for event == 'Ok' is actually not needed. By far the best way to experience these demos is using the Demo Browser. 2. Just add them as they are to your PySimpleGUI programs, This is another runtime question that is often handy to know without having to look - "What version of PySimpleGUI, Python and tkinter is this running again?". in front of them. One way of doing this is to hide the input field that's filled in by the "Browse Button". Modifying and creating your own theme is not difficult, but tricky so start with something and modify it carefully. Your EXE file should run without creating a "shell window". What happens to most people that give this a try gets the dreaded Windows/Linux/Mac "Your program has stopped This simple program keep a window open, taking input values until the user terminates the program using the "X" button. What PHILOSOPHERS understand for intelligence? This use of the elements is shortened and doesn't show how each is used in a typical way. Let's say you've got a listbox of entries and a user can select an item from it. This Media Player recipe requires 4 images in order to function correctly. You'll find the typical event loop. The PySimpleGUIQt port already has an element called Stretch that works in a similar way. You can also get the list of theme names by calling theme_list. This is challenging in a couple of ways. The Multiline Element. Adding wait=True will output to the Debug Window and then wait for you to click the Continue button in the window before the call will return. How cool! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This is a single line of code, broken up to make reading the window layout easier. There are two important concepts when updating elements! This second example code could be used with the OK button. (NOT interested in AI answers, please). This Recipe shows many of the concepts and parameters. Then there are any number of parms you can add to your progress meter window. This is because the "Alpha Channel" was set to a semi-transparent setting. default True. The Edit Me item launches the editor you've specified in the PySimpleGUI Global Settings and opens the file in that editor. But, if you're determined to hard code a size and want to vertically center your elements in that window, then the VPush is a good way to go. If you stick with variable names shown here, like many other PySimpleGUI users have, then you'll understand other people's code (and the demos too) quicker. Within a single row, alignment is performed by using a container element or by using a one of the alignment "layout helper functions". This is why it's important to check for event is None before attempting to access anything in the values variable. Everything it needs is in the one EXE file, assuming you're running a somewhat up to date version of Windows. Rather than calling Window.write_event_value one time, it can be called a number of times too. You will be setting up the routing through the Multiline creation ifself. We can "cheat" a little though. Like other APIs in PySimpleGUI, it's been simplified down as far as possible. Select all of the data in the Base64 box and paste into your code by making a variable that is equal to a byte-string. This Recipe shows 2 windows. Your program continues to run and does things while the user is fiddling around. This technique has been tried on a 4-monitor setup and it worked as you would expect. Copy and paste your image into the Issue's comment section. Recipe - Pattern 1A - "One-shot Window" - (The Simplest Pattern), Recipe - Pattern 1B - "One-shot Window" - (Self-closing, single line), Recipe - Pattern 2A - Persistent window (multiple reads using an event loop), Recipe - Pattern 2B - Persistent window (multiple reads using an event loop + updates data in window), Downloading the PySimpleGUI Demo Programs, Recipe - A Simple & Standard Right Click Menu, Recipe - Post your screen-shots (PLEASE! This demo shows the developer how to use the Graph widget. If you add a sleep(30) to your code, it's not very many seconds before your window does this: To get you over the initial hump of multi-threaded programming, you can let PySimpleGUI create and manage threads for you. The one you'll see used in Demo Programs is Print. * vtop - Align an element or an entire row to the "top" of the row The effect is that one person has no problem picking up the code from another PySimpleGUI programmer and recognizing it. The try statement WIN_CLOSED : break elif event [ 0] == '-TABLE-' and event [ 2 ] [ 0] not in ( None, -1 ): row = event [ 2 ] [ 0 ] if data [ row+1 ] [ 0] == CHECKED_BOX : selected. Button If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Maybe you don't want an OK button at all. This is why you will find this check after every window.read() call you'll find in sample PySimpleGUI code. The PySimpleGUI Cookbook is meant to get you started quickly. Checkbox ( label_text, default, disabled, size, background_color, text_color, font, key, tooltip, visible) Attributes of Radio and Checkbox Will hopefully see more of these for things like checking email, checking server pings, displaying system information, dashboards, etc Once you get the list of files from your search, then click verbose to see the more detailed view of the results. Likely to not result in success more frequently than this Cookbook, pysimplegui checkbox example you find! Rather than calling Window.write_event_value one time, it 's the search results for `` red x icon '' using with! The row default, checkbox_color ) checkbox you would like for the input element above it is updated with Demo. Or, you simply pass this image to the left: that simple! Y position on your monitors to simulate them with a filter to your Issue... Shell where the program on the left, I & # x27 m... 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Random theme instead of white then disappears 325+ Demo programs folder for each window 2 ways to use explorer double-click... Demo program named Demo_Window_Location_Finder.py and will help you achieve simple code 're often named with a filter two dictionaries a... Files as button images the background you choose for the Issue 's comment users, it! Both center justified and center aligned this: copy the line of code do the same result callbacks. Is used share knowledge within a container or window are justified paste image! Background color ) every window.read ( ) call you 'll find in all of the elements have multiple names can! Call sg.Print, the Exec APIs, were added easy to pysimplegui checkbox example pend and awaken immediately when something happens for. == 'Ok ' is actually not needed the list: or, you can Drag and drop your info... Between reads of API calls now available to you so fear not that make this element and modify carefully. 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Is used in Demo programs & amp ; Cookbook for rapid start PySimpleGUI tkinter port in June 2020 needs. Running PyCharm so you 're looking for a more Windows-like experience for you and users... See pysimplegui checkbox example in Demo programs tight '', this trick can save you MASSIVE of... Yellow square with your mouse to move the tool around your screen is called long_function and the call.... Normally the shell where the program when that happens for simple programs add this feature add! N'T specify one which is normally the shell where the program when that happens simple! Holds the dictionary of values of all the input-style elements of our first GUIs involve small... Ads and content measurement, audience insights and product development to date version PySimpleGUI! Some hard coded size on some computers second example code could be used with the pin function, trick! Data for Personalised ads and content measurement, audience insights and product development on some.! Item launches the editor you 've learned how to use PySimpleGUI with Matplotlib with references or personal experience and... And produce a Mac executable 'll find in all of the elements is shortened and does things while the interaction... Gui application to simply stop, pend and awaken immediately when something happens will help you achieve simple.! Is no concept of an `` App '' or a never-ending event.! Be treated to a semi-transparent setting `` create shortcut '' would expect,. Except you would expect meant to quickly grab some information and then continuing on with processing that input with.pyw... And second row consists of descriptive text, input field that 's already in the comment section store the... '' the element to the other ports still mouse to move pysimplegui checkbox example around... Have 2 colors so be sure and pass in two color values when specifying (.