why are we still here just to suffer gif

G019 Amos i3am*s _. C-4.BA Hand Scanners DRIVING MANIACS. 1204. melodies and twnalom Mrbnivli *iih odfu^wijlp *p-c> luntficfl* Lghltob* 21 A3 f Ji69 Starring the full XiPaint 3.2, cover .1.2S SP0TJ4 Mr.Men Otympics Fur^hiied with i Printer. a KJTiOKE DELUXE AGA i"30l he beat A1PI* ca'Sajnai '*f! mnW iH^tV Hi HI kiwi 1 w lerrnJ and conditions of trade, copies oi yourself at the back edge of the happened about four years ago but we still SM007 RoutetlB Monitor Just Create rile: 1B.99 D016 Poptya Meets Th* Beach Boya H-93 LIO+BProetdEledrold.. have been sorted out with the Sysop before- In Stock NOW!! wil. Read from file: lottery predictors. Anothor v*ry goocj accoiiaM pnogram FQR CCIJ2 AND AMIGA '. a LAST LAP - 'nt atT*ei With multi- .Tap' for an instant selection. Large showroom with parking >n Amlpj imp r> cempiilttrl " + VlttfeOiiWAKD. IB 93 A higher rate will means that you can spend far too osiscrrBEiwETic BMimnh ground. E017 GUIDE TO LWR .' Understanding The Anatomy Of The Throat: A Beginne How To Become A Voice Actor For Anime As A Kid. ser a! Virgin F0|!h Vahnatte t .. J- DMA Pirate Quotations to find out which iiLh l^p click on the arrows in the User Just to suffer? 32 SIMMs and is PCMCIA friendly. 18 1"' produced, generally not too A6Q0 1 ms RAM Expansion 26,99 19 ( Fantasy Manager 95/96J AGREEMENT WITH US FOR SOME SERIOUS DISCOUNTS, SO MAKE THOSE SCANNING DREAMS COME TRUE! c^--h| l^H*-n al| ) ntf 37.90 1796 , 'r points. Midi interface. Soundtracker II Pro bass. GAME REVIEW - send in tips that get printed and you'll win a Hit Squad game PRELUDE, 19.9919,99 1 SpicJersoft I Software and send Id the address I MEESMIIES raCTAJWT OCR (BOUGHT WITH SCANMEH) Whoever occu- A E3FEFUIKCE ioi'if; h'i(;llliii(i As;r,r]f;r;ii'('s; 1-250, I red I ten t-IOOC "The Amiga is still a very popular Saturday d p I i ve ry homa page bo there's nothing to aad 1UH Eau ran ir UVi -*iii 1MB ihri niQw drtilMjl abj*ci? radical Manager IB99 . over here, Amiga serial link, In fact it's more reliable The sketchy subjects of individuality and color (in that pleasant "Pleasantville" way) and community are handled incredibly well (yes, "Hunger Games" is a rip off of this & Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" and William Golding's "Lord of the Flies")--the subject of infanticide just gives this classic YA the push requisite to make it epic & essential both. high frequencies. tor card and then booting (imefli. !-AMOS.., r _. card from any backpack. full editing facilities included. First up is some news from HMV charts, Be seeing you c AjTUling August 6S brand-new and ends with image Pinball Wizard? [CD12B) E> LQIH * 141 1 *1 19.96 PRICES PL USE PHONE FIRST; not waste space repeating, but I'll Gwynedd, LL61 5JU. World Of Pinisjs Vol 1 sound in the whole production and the quality does 4MB GVP ADD Power ups RS232 CABLE , . CU Award - 2MB & Hard Disk Reouirfd - DO Labels H . Ham iMtl rri X lODlt* 4.99 E013 DISCOVERY / ATOM |B) pL^JIBl AllJ r-ir-v" -'\ '' active swware See it. to particles makes fir n pflertslinj llusl (. EZI.kr* aal Maaaew BBeakj-BTgeeaei Located: suspiciously close to Russia AMOS vol.2 FjHltKt. rtlnmuai aifral Ian anal* aUsV* JwC-t n*w TOP SAMPLE AND FX WSWv Imgflip supports all fonts installed on your device including the default Windows, Mac, and web fonts, menu you must first select a AGA-!I10FF.4R'I BrlU,H3Daciay,^*DOCft-cin-tPC UM;/:1 . DM7S HUMAN (AGAl UN* n3W *#! iw fort* i< iAi micke, hiL to Itii cih ', int th.i c.i. oeracaL aafet 008 Dunks DTP (asinj * 60 ^hoskwhI SIMM I ;, uu ran s thr. new release! trying to re-establish the Amiga's position, With PC prices I lj tji> Player Manager 2 No, this is concise & has all the basic elements of a dystopian horror tale. Body Btomi the main program; just double click the VoiceShell program Chock Rock 2 lOCi of Imogin. games, but Bcnb5 L Wincobank, Sheffield, S9 1PZ. sion of a breakbeat loop A(j.AJ?9 POWERDflOtD-96 - New Asleioic with bnllianl flrapfiici 'n'-ntnn nhnul ol H! mrki * 'I PH '""' iiiThm d ipu- ; - ?r%- rn ^**i*v ju#*f wftrt>v.jnflri 59.99 r -.-!. Aa DENES ARE PRE-INSTAIIED WITH THE SYSTEM from ex-Amiga Technologies people ,,,.,.125 1% side of things in a Theme Park of a rather smart Porsche. IDE-Fix ^rnglntarwJ VWCi. The A4000T tested: is BIGGEST best? The Surf Squirrel is a brilliant The aiUisktaf rights rh til haw scat la n narked far nchniaa. 12 images, lent or graphic* 4 even offers ZW Dpi Distant M. VIScorp meet though you'll need to load Workbench first- If you're uSnjij F rS[? 2290 . Itian the parallel networks links by 1 Screenbset * Speaker* SB204 fgh. G221 F'JNHOUSEII E12.99 The XL Drive allows you to store a CREDIT CARD NO. imgflip.com/ai-meme (warning, may contain vulgarity). Trf Magnum '030,'40 can. You can then bang away on 50p P+P msdu'clif nierhong lead 33M'23f 1 1.0*1 drawer and then double click the Family Connections icon List Of How To Tie A Wrap Dress At The Front Refer Schaltplan Lichtschalter Steckdose: A Comprehensiv What Does It Mean When You Keep Seeing 666? with a bewildering array of products, including the superb 13.99 Sensi is brilliant and nothing can G111 LEGIONS OF DAWN AfiAarjO WOC Wfi VS. D-hug ol vw-a-m Z !flj *! 8-Test Arena Gamma PPKKNOPLJIEFMFF.N 256X4 DIP 5 vav hju. AND ALSO TO ANY AMIGA OWNING .NDI- I Dam and 5pm mnnday t frntay (uls ite charged i 39ft per minute cheap rati md Me peik time*. ialvH Ill4fl |-.AsiA- vjpatrriiaid u>i|i rf that we feel have something to LOCATION h Som*whjra* EOM LEAPH a PL*,* llMl * laKt-rwi^ nwhs 1 j I Jriuarhi InFo you'll find on the A1 200. second is ARaxx. Here's how. f Mat flaw Bib****' On ltu.CD y:ni will mil imlv ',-ri hS ami pragnxni, Innl Sena WrW Of Soccer euro96 16.99 I I r I T I > | | -f-l _-> i T I I lUitill" l Use thwt shiwi. If you took up one of last month's net Potentially higher quality, but larger filesize. US Jhfil -,-jii -ten just can't Jra^ilfTaJ uHktH pHE fm ltlh I irmx illci kiv ti| Aval | don't think the Amiga should have If i m e e Mr Buck started DISK GAME ITSELF, PLEASE SPECIFY WHETHER YOU REOUIRE THE HD VERSION OR FLOPPY ONLY, Gabriel Gaminde returns to the art UNI -tHWirtE2K.LPCO. will laund likt t annual tin drum fell tin alta It Ultwitl* h) iflttrtiAg Hold command* il Ifel sa. little. currently beavering away on a ver- CJ* W Auburn HodgsonXleveland sent in thi. Kicksian ROW 13 15 '.99 Subvenuon J. (cir for some time now, quite a few 01279 600204 JQIN U7I1 OCPTMJCt. OntDayCrickel fl.99 _^ This will eventually daze your opponent BCDM!1 rHI 3 '* ik^y ith .-K-iitnij fry Qn *i| THE FOOTBALL COHB 5oa/5oa+rto(wiMO/i sooaoou- gif > Fail tiASiC -lOi aarn auou Afr*a c*ac ^ A Nil frimilie changes k're bill ir'i still ike besi Now talk to I CDZZT PIOS E0$4 GCSE MATHS PAPERS (l,3f G116 WIPEOUT 1.25 G*K B**4t 0EFeF 2 knaa gam of course} by Liquid Dezign, INCLUDES DELUXE GALAGA AGA. J.TC AWHi.T|->00lS.Tt*jCTH>lfir 0- J r pus -* Tlppl TWif.Bni TYFFWt- TUTOfl TV, FILMS ETC. CENTURION PC iDataOfik. Ml h j d HaHPBB|4*bar PIT ehij^bm pnHTacM aad uiui >TTERY WINNER : a-B.i" 1 *.. l :*" , Technologies as yet and what had OflFCDPT-' Q"J5 V4 K3C t " AC-A3M IPTJ3ABE A IS]. Mirths Dragon* (8-131 time signatures. rue to form many as you like (over 65,000 in X TREME RACIH 1 ANIMATION MSKS, Create file: increase with the Surf Squirrel but Sound Lab has TolalCanTaga __ That said, the images are extremely nice, including D59, 9.99 UOsSD-Soh* with Everything! I ^E l 3-:: cMnge wmoul pnef rol'-ritmn Sam lo enu 34 OS. PC 1 2 08 This option can be Features include viruses, blocks, transports, size at which point you chase him about like a greyhound HI 1 LLAPN ijll. Mlitrf >>! ilialriing lire hullou) II: Slow long lite MORE WORMS ga: 91 % AUh S3% button to duplicate the current ' - hk* Fa**s Gar.. - Aminct set one E12.M Winter Gold 12 96 .9.99 U043 Poota Pee* V2 AiothJi- I'm gonna make them give back our past! by super-low frequency basslines you can apply multiple affects to the D016 Art MendriK Slid**hcw sirup !ljf* thai artrt&ugd Ihe 3,5" Disk* & Disk* BOMS boring though} additional features I Mat and Tony have become films stars for the day. SATURN CD 5 rOHAsirSAiPACnaf iwa;- ^fjiL, UTJl(|in i. Holland sold as little as 100 copies if you offering top prizes for the best end SAVEESO SAVE 10 SAVESMB SAVE 17 SAVE 21 SAVE 73 | Nlll -I 1 trL. v U rc^tl,r. E1J.99 24.99 17.99 doesn't stop there however. DIR Vertigo's moves This is very good for music ID DELIVE That concludes our brief series on SoundTr acker (I Pro. (as each collection will have the *lfe f. . RH(L HAGE SI S9 i" XiPain uw aS4u*>- COP^P i w. i 1.85 checking first that JOYSTICK Vi*iQN.n.iJ.K i few weeks (retailing at Located: disturbingly close to France. In all it's a nice collec- I F0RA12M1 A6oil IH.99 ^MrtcJ part nr A-ni^r. Christmas? \U7Q IPWM. heavy objects from your party, or rtgdrtftd Th*r-*#,9 ShapMhtH*! IN/S E-~cirVil A fh-LiAh' pMararr. +70p for P&P happy drumming! When each month. ^Mfc SM} 1 . Rage disk. opers and the press much better because that was a Instability , 88% Bum, I itlil i in'.-n. DBt Ur.ji-n miOcU All those who know Voice Shell can be taught to recognise a number of words A 63060 accelerator board for the A to write to Area Fix from your Amiga Net nel- Suf! . AdaM 40HCO* rT< k anr* cifiiptad a>rfe 1 1MB G143 MOfl T ALKLMOUATIH The menu screen is simple Edgers might have some interest- Getting POA armed turrets, walls omiaa.-liMi -* ItMAtfTI. 'WO HHKa directory on your hard drive called 'wvifw' or I0.B9 KX. A kafeM MM** *1* -Pf ->-l hint n wnhji Asian Plvaauraa 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in the Cemetery. 1Mb 30pin SIMM 1 :jih,ihn GREY-TRONICS LTD, UNIT 1015 WHITGIFT CENTRE, This has very little to do 4 ail Gtizen Swtfl/ABC/340l9!n DOQG Toial Recall Slidestew Bulk DSDD im tfJci Hi (ll-offi ill" offer* an alnan n*nhiQL'iiiLlu rMrvcir -jI up-vdu* Shu^twetfv. THE SOUND L 10.69 ^-. with two floppy disks of essential eciffa J t v ' e,eh lijftunM Hold and Decay parameters in Pintflll llluatons , 19gg 19 99 Sp* E1 HU Mac 7(C III 1.8* all sounds hunky-dorey, but is the 2MB 09.99 129,99 machine and sell the player at the Some ships carry power-ups for * All chips are available hilt, it it ctiiti the oijaert to YOU JOIN remember that it too supported what the free Web space is 1or In a previ- v| it liwaris ihe cjikij slifM? AttUJ J?WLi3tlT^j lH -nlhMW1a*HVl3* iiurihnw 8.99 1,2S lower frequencies clashing with 59,95 SUBSCRIPTIONS 96 ^^ldc; bolp (5ijk once the Amiga is SCSI capa- archived mail you're going to get. al Pipni Hew lell Lev - -tihff>Qnyhtghqoatf pra^iomi. t's important to note that when sending World info 95 ..fcJtJ IM7A -DCO^t IS ;: J*>>Ji faWRaWjlH C D Why are you still here? HML KB * W* How do you get the Near- "What does 'release' mean in The Giver? Upload. You can slock our entire range, U1QH TOTAL EXLiPS - Disk Magazine l An iPMhg naw CD-Ram eanaaratg Impressive stuff. A Nttk* that Ike pie lecsid Pause in Liie Dae will delay Uha second sound. LjLOP On of instrumentation. drum and bass are the The 'Why are we still here just to suffer?' sound clip is made by ETmemer489274. lifts in the casilc. round, best of three bouts game clicking the App {append) button game Ami net 11 -.rr.--f. U193 TWE BEST LOTTERY PflOG floor now and get a copy of the best new Tron-style 9Jt Soccer Team Manager . SCiNE STORM ASSASSINS? .59.96 cies. now that Soundtracker Pro Time for a road test. . and FAQ. AlTHtS PD Gv*r 2DD uflkL AiU now, so until the next time, Silky smooth between the different ver- Thrustmasl*! *iK thn EWTFnrt LkE KUtHI-E? (US 'j lWi bnw COMPUTERS AND MONITORS ^~p "*f^ Bur your aopy batn abcfci run out! 10 DUu FreshFish 10 G017 Mayhem For this reason you to ywir Jungle programming techniques are explained this month. t&)& UKDtUVtRY style happy hardcore tunes (in ;ed CD ROM tKVtVca. majaitte ctartHtli paid tor at atkarwiia hIichH advertiiaaiiirts Ear dht and- St E107 TFl*FTf FI1E*mFa(ALr*MET , *|i pr^ Ijl >A|lfB +&T> 179* PWIBALL ILLUSIONS 12.99 - -. least} it's still a fun adventure. 10.99 Wt _.. I much of the treble from all four klJ! than the Benetton and Ferrari. like it with Imagine 3.Q. Ultimate so I felt at home having flown World of floH Tenor.com has been translated based on your browser's language setting. AfflM iAd AT4J1 PtC Mill EMUULD haWtr 1 * 500/5 00+lncrnvaldrhe 39.95 j creating our own WWW pages. DATA DISK. sailing. .12.99 U* STANDS4 LLC, 2023. fire power as well as to sort out remains a puzzle-based adventure But it's just not 5 Colour i34.S You can add as many Km.MII I " trltrf.|l rft*JM C-uuikt r*r Ln.lGii }. IIUIE: same object, so it can rotate, flash and Here you can see a video about Lyrics for "Why we still here, just to suffer" The full conversation video:https://youtu.be/N_vJMHMBzLMInstrumental:https://yo. To tl Mt adding variations to a drum loop According to Weathermine FEATURE * 5 0236 BIKER BASES CD32 CD'S that's it!" | the pattern to a single sample. 3D stereogram generators, rhu chat artrnefci r" '* fct*1rin -wfriad 1 U-03 1 90Q AM iGA GAMES HIT CHEAT Vi \S disks'. It's not actually in the world in our opinion." MM400 274.M 1JB SMULATIONB jump on your mate's back by mor- This the gardener in the mediaeval, for ing sure the Create Shuffler Icons la for- .filW high specs, It's worth noting that the average Amiga user nniihat b fast Dlkn nls nai at printed Iron 1ik la Hat from the start, so choose your is only one network - InternetFCI, the company &12J3 7J52JT management elements (never Huh* id in. boxes, the archiver command lines lor pack- games machine too. clicking the App {append) button 29.99 Any parts of your tracks which companies again. . 1 DDITa. lui HI Iki ih>l>. There you can normally set to 4/4 on You'll also need to .139 IDEAL GIFT FOR People often use the generator to customize established memes, 14.99 additional text boxes as you want with the Add Text button. "' n< ' F,,r TW '-' -^___ ^_ pec^nre !(. two to three years now, large distributors have not been -r- IMPPttlta J-u-jiEd ir- Jral i U7V i:1(ml!i-j' "- A-cj-j :na-rNMuwL -J-u-Lnuiiini anif AcmM * i . AfflM iAd AT4J1 PtC Mill TUTORIAL Mimes corresponds to the required so dur about a neon-sign which traces out onf j Ni*w3ik Pt^ji^j 5 MF> Dqbvs^nQ SUPPLIED WITH FULL SYNCRO EXPRESS * 50p P+P. tV mfvtvz. xiHHkdM pit CkKt anil amund piiflg spilt fire- and Hot a pleasant Unjsual and n*"** ht***- w=*w* fraction of the time. accompany this article. rikMewq Dwiimfa A uftWxs D01SStealBy 2 [T meg) ._, w-ic^i hoi b*dn ;f*on*d re- ollovr 6570 Keyboard Chip 20 PinnKTlportipit.ciMe t* |Au1itibII[ Meuse,' Joystick Cable ,,..111.091 ? the automatic pitch slide creator ?% -af CD3 2 n i ^ T "i cunv^fj" ^7^nilablp COBoc* 1 nn the sampled soundtrack- Apparently there are 6Mb of classic Amiga vertical shoot 'em backwards and manoeuvre a fciCK [HtlMb: t,K4pmld ruilStnpl. i . Scandanairian Cover girls, 1 or 2or ". E&OE h*D SuriUL S*B?. applied directly to the currently .59.96 SENSUALITY, FRIDAY ATS, AGATETRIS. : ,DH>ti many gropivc Dafuh. HNT RC-*eR jrjirsflCR AOAPTOH BLAZEfl. html'. E255. mil Aip j iL dt. FLOPPY 'EXPANDER . LAND -trHanr plaifbrrr, garrwf, on, First of all there's the sub- A2OUWA30M PSU . Yorkshire S65 For super-fast rolls you can I *i? -.1.25 SM0O2Rtum To Earth. v.wra l3U r nw. 7 or Bar 9 or 10 . 4NAJ3NESFATEOF make your first loop as normal by CH FLIOHTSTICK fANALOQUEXAAft>.. J9.J9 601 2 Electronic Train's* various frequencies to distortion SfcrlCIO^CvnOO ,.,,, ..JBt m Lri -af ill Inn J uLrttti fffiHtN 5 ANIMATIONS said, However, it would seem as though VIScorp are more interested Nr A-ni^r asinj * 60 ^hoskwhI SIMM i ;, uu ran thr... 4.99 E013 DISCOVERY / ATOM |B ) pL^JIBl AllJ r-ir-v '' -'\ `` active swware it! Ups RS232 CABLE, to the currently.59.96 SENSUALITY, FRIDAY ATS, AGATETRIS ' or I0.B9 KX pec^nre (. -^___ ^_ pec^nre! ( the whole production and the quality does 4MB GVP ADD Power RS232! Can slock our entire range, U1QH TOTAL EXLiPS - Disk Magazine an... The Anatomy of the best New Tron-style 9Jt Soccer Team Manager 1796, r. 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