oxford ib math sl applications and interpretation

Zion NP 4295127 6. Determine the number of significant figures in the following measurements: a 9.478 m b 5.322 g a 0.102 m b 1.002 dm c 1.8055cm d 6.999 in c 105 kg d 0.001020 km e 4578 km f 13 178 kg e 1 000000 pg Round the numbers in question 1 parts a to d to 2 dp. ?9 Geometry and trigonometry Take a plastic cone, a plastic sphere and a plastic cylinder with the same height and radius. tan 19= 25 a Kk .ax =-^= 43.3ii (2 marks) Sharon Required distance is 90 + 70.04 = 160 m (1 mark) 22 7.1 sin 70 = 6.672 m (2 marks) 7.1 sin 80 = 6.992 m (2 marks) So the minimum height is 6.67 m and the maximum height is 6.99 m 23 a 1.496 x 108 x 105 time =-------------- -------3x 10s = 498.7 seconds (2 marks) 498.7 60 time = b : 8.3 minutes (1 mark) 4.014 x 10 x 103 1.338x10s 60x60x24x365 years c b l33~3-xl00 = 44.4% 30 (2 marks) (2 marks) Other horizontal distance is 120 (1 mark) tan 39 Distance required is 120 120 tan 31 tan 39 = 51.5m 28 a b 29 a b t t X(1.3x 3V gives r = /- I An 13x495 V An (2 marks) = 4.91 cm (2 marks) av 43x505 ,_ = ? ----- = 4.94 cm An (2 marks) (1 mark) (1 mark) 10~6)2x 4.5x 10^ = 2.39 x 10"17 m (2 marks) 2.39x10'17 -2xl0~17 _ Percentage error =-------------------- -------- x 100 = 16.3% 2.39x10 17 (2 marks) (1.67 5 x 10-27) -- (1.673x 10"27) + (9.109 x 10-31) ----------------- - = 1.12x1 O'27 kg 3 (2 marks) 2(( 1.675 x 10~27) + (1.67 3 x 1 O'27) + (9.109 x lO"31)) = 6.70 x 10-27 kg (2 marks) 1.675x10,-27 9.109x10 -31 (1 mark) 4;rr3 Re-arranging y = b = 1838.84 (1 mark) Ratio is 1:1840 1 x 10~3 -9.109x 10~ 9.109x10'31 (1 mark) -x 100 = 9.78% 30 Arc length (2 marks) 1 _ _1_ _1_ Rm ~ 7.25 3.65 1 x(3x 108)2 = 9 x 1016J (2 marks) 60 AD =----- x 2n x 5 = 5.236 cm 360 (2 marks) 9xl016 Arc length So upper bound = 2.428 Q (1 mark) BC = x 2t t x 13 = 13.61 cm 360 (2 marks) Taking Rx = 7.\5 Q and R2 = 3.55 Q. Shape Volume Pyramid V = -(base area x h) Prism Cone base area x h V= nr2h 3 Cylinder Sphere 7tr2xh V = -7rr3 3 The volume of a pyramid is a third of the volume of a prism with the same base and height. Remember to write down the null and alternative hypotheses. How can you make a diagram to represent the distance to the farthest object that you can see? Remember to write down the null and alternative hypotheses. To find the total surface area of the pyramid you need to add the areas of all faces. The main reasons for failing the test are faulty tyres, steering or bodywork. IB Diploma Program SL/HL Biology Best Course Book. +962 786 49 49 49; 0 School Books. The cost to fill the pool is $0.15 per cubic metre of water. Measuring requires approximating. It is a conjecture, based on observation. Will the two surface areas be different or the same? V= (7- 1) = 6 Using GDC, x2 = 1.60 and /rvalue = 0.953. c 0.95 > 0.05 or 1.60 < 12.592, so you can accept the null hypothesis: the data does satisfy a uniform distribution. Surface area of a cylinder 2 Take two standard sheets of paper for printing. Number and algebra o If you used a beaker with smaller units, do you think 15 that you would have a different measurement forthe volume? (1 mark) (1 mark) cosa =----- ,, a =55.6 (1 mark) , . 255x195mm, Evaluation copies must be ordered on a school account.More information on school accounts. b A = n( 12.4)1 23456789 Use the formula for area of a circle, A = nr2. (3 marks) 14 PI: To walk from his house (A) to his m school (C), Oscar has a choice of walking along the straight roads AB and BC, or taking a direct shortcut (AC) across a field. For example, when giving a number to 2 decimal places, your answer would have exactly two digits after the decimal point. The height of the prism is 15 cm. 4 Students are surveyed about languages spoken. 6 Shown in the diagram are six concentric circles with centre O, where OA = 10 cm, OB = 20 cm, OC = 30 cm, OD = 40 cm, OE = 50 cm and OF = 60 cm. 4\ W = T\ 5 To construct the next part of the tree, imagine a student who does study art and consider whether this student studies biology or not. PM\- / 5/ P(B'\A) = - s' 0 P(^nB,) = P(WM)=- P(0'|A) = -| 5 P(BU') = 1 12PM1 n 0) = PM')P(BM') = v \ 3 p(g. | > S' P(A' r\ B') = P(/T)P(B' 1 A') = ^ Then apply the multiplication law of probability to find the probability represented at the end of each "branch" of the tree. Nail your IB Math AI SL prep with this comprehensive video course on Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation SL. Example 7 It is claimed that when this pair of Sicherman dice is thrown, and the two numbers obtained added together, the probability of each total is just the same as if the two dice were numbered with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Your second choice is to decide if you want to study the course at HL (Higher level) or SL (Standard level). 4 The heights (in metres) and the weights (in kilograms) of 10 basketball players are given in the table. 6.1: Measuring correlation The ornament is made from mahogany, which has a density of 0.71 g/cm3. For example, consider the following problem: In a class of 15 students, 3 study art, 6 biology of whom 1 studies art. Mathematics: applications and interpretation formula booklet 2 . 4 Nasim fills a measuring jug with 310 cm3 of water. Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt. Then another card is drawn. b 37 L (to nearest litre) d BH is double AG, Cl is three times AG. G R The critical value for this test is 17.275. d State the conclusion for the test and give a reason for your answer. The copper sphere in the image is placed on the ground from which it was extracted, and represents a scale model of the copper removed from the mine. It hasn't been updated for the . New topics are italicized. Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. The parameters of the normal distribution are p and o2. Quantity Space Microconcepts Numbers Algebraic expressions How does a sailor calculate the distance to the coast? Address: Copyright 2023 VSIP.INFO. 167. d Write down the x2 test statistic and the /rvalue for this data. Number and Algebra (16 Hours) Functions (31 Hours) Geometry and Trigonometry (18 Hours) Help & support How to order Contact your Educational Consultant 2023 catalogues Online evaluation Follow us on social media Join Educational Research Forum . Make a conjecture about the formula for the volume of a pyramid. The results are in the following table. \ Estimation is often done by comparing the attribute that is measured to another one, or by sampling. Grand Teton NP 3270076 10. Acadia NP 3303393 9. Traditional mathematics learning has often focused on rote memorization of facts and algorithms, with little attention paid to understanding the underlying concepts in mathematics. 3.2: Sampling techniques The radius of the cylinder is 3 m and its height is 12 m. Find the surface area of the following solids: 11 m a Find the volume of the silo, b The entire silo is to be painted. 3 Given a net, generate a formula for finding the number of cubes that will fill the box created by the net. The digits that can be determined accurately or with some degree of reliability are called significant figures (sf). Access is facilitated via a unique code, which is sent in the mail. a According to the Skittles website, the colours should be evenly distributed with 20% of each colour in a bag. own inquiry topics and use the mathematics they are learning to How does your answer compare to your original subjective judgment? E Concepts represent powerful, organizing ideas that are not locked in a particular place, time or situation. Fold one of then along the longer side so that you make four congruent rectangles, and fold the other one along the shorter side so that you make four congruent rectangles. 10 11 Compare yourthree measurements. 88 Click here for a mixed review exercise e Determine the area of sector OFL. 6 Use Kristian's suggestion as we have two sides and one angle, x = 22.8m or 42.7m. 6 Estimate the volume of a cube with side 4.82 cm. Download your updated answer section here . $16.68 Shipping & Import Fees Deposit to Canada. (2 marks) b Calculate the volume of the prism. > A sphere is defined as the set of all points in three-dimensional space that are equidistant from a central point. Can we help you? c Find the value of r, Pearsons product moment correlation coefficient, d What do you notice? Moreover, where possible, SL and HL chapters start with the same. Write it down, b What is the relationship between the volume of a cylinder and the volume of a sphere with the same radius and height? Dividing up space: coordinate geometry, lines, Voronoi diagrams How many digits are significant in your reading of this weight? The following Venn diagram shows how many investors own properties in Amsterdam, Brussels or Cologne. 10.2: Compound interest, annuities, amortization mathematics in other dimensions? (2 marks) (1 mark) = x 6.9 x 5.7 x sin 63.5 (1 mark) (1 mark) .. 1 mark Let Y be the mid-point of BC. How do we determine what we can measure? A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal part only are significant. By presenting the theory that every IB student should know before taking any quiz, test or exam, this revision guide is designed to make the topics of IB Math . d WWTWTfffTl What is the same about finding the surface areas of various solids? Pack: Modelling and investigation activity.520 independence.378 12 Analyzing rates of change: differential 8.1 Spearmans rank correlation calculus 522 coefficient.380 12.1 Limits and derivatives. 525 8.2 %2 test for independence 387 12.2 Equations of tangent and normal531 8.3 y2 goodness of fit test.. 398 12.3 Maximum and minimum points and optimization536 Chapter review.. 412 Chapter review.. 544 Modelling and investigation activity.418 Modelling and investigation activity.546 9 Modelling relationships with functions: 13 Approximating irregular spaces: power functions 420 integration 548 9.1 Quadratic models..422 13.1 Finding areas..550 9.2 Problems involving quadratics.. 428 13.2 Integration: the reverse process of differentiation 568 direct and inverse variation.. 440 Chapter review.. 579 9.4 Optimization451 Modelling and investigation activity.584 Exploration 9.3 Cubic models, power functions and I C alculus 8.4 The f-test.. 407 S ta tis tic s and p ro b a b ility hypothesis testing and Geometry and trigonom etry fixed number of trials..348 10 Modelling rates of change: exponential F unctions 7.4 Complete, concise and consistent Number and algebra ? They reflect the philosophy and approach of the IB and ethical decisions. 5.1: Functions In the image shown, Dillon Marsh, a South African artist, has combined photography and computer imaging to visualize the total copper output of the mine. A student is chosen at random. Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation SMART PREP Haese Mathematics IB Flash Cards | IB DP Maths A&I SL 1st Edition. IB Biology Course Book: 2014 Edition: Oxford IB Diploma Program, Oxford IB Diploma Programme IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches, Higher Level, Print and Enhanced Online Course Book Pack. Analyzing rates of change: differential calculus 4 A sector of a circle has a radius of 5 cm and central angle measuring 45. 6 Nandan wanted to know whether or not the number of hours spent on social media had an influence on average grades (GPA). 3.4: Bivariate data c Determine the results of a goodness of fit test at the 5% significance level to find out whether the data fits a uniform distribution. 6 TOK Investigation 3 When using measuring instruments, we are able to determine only a certain number of digits accurately. A heap of grain is shaped as a cone ADCF with height 5 m and base radius 2 m, as shown on the diagram. 1J and K are the midpoints of edges [EF], [FG] and [FB] respectively. X= 17.2 cm, T = 17.4 cm. Measuring correlation.265 Chapter review.. 45S binomial and normal distributions. 298 Modelling and investigation activity.458 7.1 Theoretical and experimental probability.300 7.2 Representing combined probabilities with diagrams.311 7.3 Representing combined probabilities with diagrams and formulae. 319 representations.331 7.5 Modelling random behaviour: random variables and probability distributions338 7.5 Modelling the number of successes in a 7.7 Modelling measurements that are distributed randomly..360 and logarithmic functions460 10.1 Geometric sequences and series.462 10.2 Compound interest, annuities, amortization470 10.3 Exponential models.481 10.4 Exponential equations and logarithms.48? Click here for help with this skills check Find the circumference of a circle with radius r = 5.3cm. Each Enhanced Online Course Book Pack is made up of one full-colour, print textbook and one online textbook - packed full of investigations, exercises, worksheets, worked solutions and answers, plus assessment preparation support. b 33.5cm3 (3 s.f.) The teacher is telling me that it is too low. Mr Stewart asks them which month their birthdays are in, and the results are shown in the table. They will help students gain an understanding of what is expected from their Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking subject studies while presenting content in a way approach complex problems, and make reasoned, that illustrates the purpose and aims of the IB. How could you measure them? Since we published the IB Mathematics SL Course Book we've made some updates to the short answer section, located in the back of your book. 13. r/IBO 5 days ago. 5.4: Modelling In total she has 600 sweets. A tenet of teaching for conceptual understanding and skills are used as a foundation to build deep in mathematics is that the teacher does not tell conceptual understanding through inquiry. 7% 10 Using your GDC, find the test statistic and the p-value. Find the expected frequencies, b Write down the number of degrees of freedom. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for MATHEMATICS: APPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATION SL EC LUCAS IAN ENGLISH PAPERBACK / at the best online prices at eBay! b Write down the number of degrees of freedom. Complete IB Math Topics Overview: Standard Level. High-Quality Solutions for Grades K-12. Math AIR HL/SL plan and that about Official IB documents. Click the icon to open the document in a new window (if your browser supports PDF viewing) or to download. practical system of units for international 1 Group 1 used a ruler with centimetre and millimetre units and took two use and includes measurements: one of a yardstick and one of a foot-long string. Since we published the IB Mathematics SL Course Book we've made some updates to the short answer section, located in the back of your book. Flavour Beef Chicken Lamb Totals Boxer 14 6 8 28 Labrador 17 11 10 38 Poodle 13 8 14 35 Collie 6 5 8 19 Totals 50 30 40 120 Perform a x2 test at the 5% significance level to test whether favourite flavour is independent of breed of dog. on horizontal /------------------------------------------------- Three squares Approaches to learning: Research, Critical thinking Exploration criteria: Personal engagement (C), Use of mathematics (E) Modelling and investigation activity IB topic: Proof, Geometry, Trigonometry v_______ ________ /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ The problem Three identical squares with side length 1 are adjacent to one another. Book reviews, interviews, editors' picks, and more. 8 9 10 6 ? What does this tell us about our knowledge of with a plane that is parallel to the base. IB Prepared Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations, Educational Resources and Children's Books, Little Blending Books for Letters and Sounds, eBook libraries to support reading anywhere, Cambridge Lower Secondary Complete English Second Edition, MYP Mathematics: A Concept-Based Approach, Secondary Professional Development Webinars, First Experiences with Biff, Chip and Kipper, Free dictionary worksheets and activities, IB Prepared English A: Language and Literature, IB Prepared Environmental Systems and Societies, IB Prepared Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches, Worked solutions for end of chapter questions, Worked solutions and markschemes for practice exam papers. trigonometry Geometry and Measurements help us compare objects and understand how they relate to each other. IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL or HL is required for: Any other program that does not require the equivalent of IB Math 12 Analysis and Approaches SL or HL or equivalent; IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL or HL would be eligible for first-year credit with a minimum final IB score of 6. What does a value of r close to 1 or -1 tell you about the correlation? The owner of the garage wishes to calculate the number of cars that failed for all three reasons. P(7|S) = P(7) and P(InS) = P(7) x P(S) are equivalent explanations. If you stood somewhere higher or lower, how would that affect how much of the Earth you can see? 11.3: A world of sinusoidal models Determine the difference in water level. Example 3 A circle has radius 12.4cm. Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. List prices may not necessarily reflect the product's prevailing market price. b Given that a randomly selected student studies biology, find the probability that this student also studies history, c In an experiment, a student is selected at random from this class and the student's course choices are noted. > The critical value for this test is 14.684. d State the conclusion for the test and give a reason for your answer. Calculate the circumference of the circle. Maths: Applications & Interpretation: Browse last pages, blog posts, check sitemap, get Teaching Materials and share knowledge with the ThinkIB.net IB community. Free shipping for many products! V________________________________________ _ Measurement Units of measure Approximation Estimation Upper/lower bound Error/percentage error Trigonometric ratios Angles of elevation and depression Length of arc How can you measure the distance between two landmarks? [PDF] Ebook Hodder Exam Practice Workbook for Mathematics: Applications and interpretation SL for the IB Diploma Ebook; Hodder 2021 [PDF] Ebook Hodder Exam Practice Workbook for Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL for the IB Diploma . The next digit is less than 5, so delete it and the digits to the right. --o = . They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and professional development. Sign in/Register| investigate them further. ' x\ 1 Frequency 2. Representing and describing data: descriptive statistics The results are shown in the table below. A P(A)=4 / 5/ The probabilities in this process can be represented as a tree with the two events A and A'. The critical value for this test is 11.345. 1.5:1 13 a 2 cm 4 cm 3.14 12.6 50.3 0.523 4.19 6:1 3:1 Attempt to use cosine rule: (1 mark) 1952 +1702 - 210" cos A =------------------------2x195x170 (1 mark) = 0.3443 A = 69.9 33.5 b 1 D b 11 82.6cm2 1cm Surface area to volume ratio, SA:V: 354cm3 (3 s.f.) From the Venn diagram read off the information needed to calculate the answer. b Hence calculate the value of x. c Hence find the probability that a car selected at random from this data set failed for at least two reasons. i Cubes Side 1cm 2 cm 4cm Surface area Volume Surface area to volume ratio, SA:V ii Spheres Diameter Surface area Volume Surface area to volume ratio, SA:V 1cm 2 cm 4 cm 2 iii Cylinders 10 Diameter x length 1cm 1cm x2cm x 1cm 1cm x4cm A triangular prism ABCDEF has edges AB = BC = 6cm, AC = 4cm and BD = 8 cm. c 415.25 = 415 (3 sf) Do not write 415.0, as you only need to give 3 sf. Prior learning - SL and HL Area of a parallelogram is the heightA bh=, where b is . x = angle opposite the 70mm side = 41.0, remaining angle y = 87.0, final side L = 106 mm Exercise 2E ZC = 72, a = 9.77 m, Remaining angle = 68. Surface area of a cone 4 A net of a cone is given (with the base). Can we find the area of the circle sector? (1 mark) 60 = 1.5x10 seconds (2 marks) 1.5x10' 60x60x24x365 610 VMAV = 4;rX3'33 =187.4 cm3 120 120 eg tan 31 =----- => x =--------- 5x tan 31 (1 mark) 3 x 108 x (2.5 x 106 x 365 X 24 x 60 x 60) = 2.3652 x 1022m (2 marks) 24 a (2 marks) horizontal distance. Developing inquiry skills Let the measurement of the largest height of the trees in the opening problem be h. Divide the trees into small, medium and large, where small trees have h < 4.5 ill, medium, 4.5 < h < 5.0 m, and large h> 5.0 m. Use these categories to form a contingency table for the trees in areas A and B, and test at the 5% significance level whether the heights of the trees are independent of the forest area they were taken from. In general, Applications and Interpretation covers a broad range of materials, but Analysis and Approaches covers a narrower range in greater depth. 3 Name each solid. 9.4: Optimisation Continued on next page 9 MEASURING SPACE: ACCURACY AND 2D GEOMETRY C = 2 x n x 12.4 a = 77.9cm (1 dp) Use the formula for circumference of a circle, C = 2/rr. JjS Investigation 11 The diagram shows the nets of some boxes without lids. c d e f g a Mean weight = 44.96 Pocket Standard XL < mean 13 8 3 mean 3 9 14 Class c HQ : Class of dog is independent of weight. 4.2: Gradient of lines and its applications View basket Testing for validity: Spearman's, hypothesis testing and x2 test for independence How accurate do you think your measurement is? I posted my Math HL IA to Turnitin and got a 1 percent similarity score. Moreover, where possible, SL and HL chapters start with the same inquiry questions, contain similar investigations and share some questions in the chapter reviews and mixed reviews - just as the HL exams will include some of the same questions as the SL paper. 3 34 4 133g (3 s.f.) How do we measure? Normally you would solve this using your GDC, which may ask you to enter the degrees of freedom. 0 items|Basket Total0.00, International view | Switch to UK view The length of building A is 10 m, and its width is 7.5 m. The length of building B is 22 m, and its width is 11 m. The two buildings intersea, and the intersection forms a prism with a square base of 5 m. Find the volume of the composite building. Are the curved surface areas the same or different? a Find P(B \ A). 11 4.3 1.4 Speaking scientifically1? a b c 3 a b 4 1.12cm2 (3 s.f.) Justify your answer. Published by Oxford University Press. 9.2: Problems involving quadratics Height (metres) 0 100 200 450 500 POO 900 1000 Number of plants 1 2 5 8 8 10 12 13 Plot the data points on a scatter graph. 330 Draw the Venn diagram showing the numbers in each region, b Hence find the probability that a student selected at random from this group speaks no more than one of the languages. a ^BD = 7.90 cm (l62 -82) = 200 360v ' n (1 mark) Note that other nets are also possible. (2 marks) PI: ABCDE is a square-based pyramid. The end of each branch represents a combined event. Oxford IB Mathematics: analysis and approaches Higher Level Course Companion (Online Course Book) Download Book Now! 1 10 - 5 0 -9 * - -4 614 10 Mean -112 iii Median-105 Data is skewed, median is most appropriate measure as this is least affected by the skewed values. How accurate are these figures likely to be? Example 3 American bulldogs are classified by height, h, as Pocket, Standard or XL. This PDF download accompanies the IB Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation SL study guide, providing worked answers to problems presented throughout the book. In case you don't know, to study for the IB diploma you will take 6 subjects and 3 of them have to . If so, which are they? 11 cars failed for other reasons. I B This is only available to schools. Find the cost of filling the pool. Try 36 x 14 Is it possible to know things about which we can have no experience, such as infinity? The smaller the measuring unit used, the greater the accuracy. TOKand International-mindedness are integrated into all the chapters. d Write down the x2 test statistic and the /7-value for this data. Make a prediction first, and then find the number of cubes. In 0.00300 only the last two zeros are significant and the other zeros are not. A cylinder with height 11 cm and radius 3 cm is shown in the diagram. 7.4: Complete, concise and consistent representations Answers and worked solutions for the digital resources Answers, worked solutions and mark schemes (where applicable) for the additional exercises, end-of-chapter tests and mixed reviews are included with the questions themselves. He collected the following information: Grade Low GPA Average GPA High GPA Totals 0-9 hours 4 23 58 85 10-19 hours 23 45 32 100 >20 hours 43 33 9 85 Totals ?0 101 99 220 The critical value is 7.779. e Comment on your result. Sketch the cuboid and mark the angles described below. Teacher notes This icon appears at the beginning of each chapter and opens a set of comprehensive teaching notes for the investigations, reflection questions, TOK items, and the modelling and investigation activities in the chapter. 2 A ornament is made in the shape of a triangular prism. The figures below are examples of a square-based pyramid, a tetrahedron (triangular-based pyramid) and a hexagonal-based pyramid. In addition to the activities you will find in this book, further practice and support are available on the enhanced online course book. Legal Notice | c Combine the results for collie and poodle so that all expected values are greater than five and write down the new table of observed values. 47.2 cm2 68.6m2 (3 s.f.) d 62.4cm3 (3 s.f.) 18.3cm2 (3 s.f.) a Calculate angle BAC. Surface area of solids trigonom etry Geometry and Investigation 13 1 Surface area of a prism 1 | Take two standard sheets of paper for printing. Hj : Class of dog is not independent of weight, d v 2 x = 8.16 50 50 f x2 = 13.4 and /7-value = 0.001 25 g 0.001 25 < 0.05, therefore do not accept the null hypothesis. 1.4: Speaking scientifically The pyramid has two pairs of congruent faces: ABE and DCE; BCE and ADE. d 3050 = 3100 (2 sf) Write the zeros to keep the place value. Find the side of the hexagonal base in cm. Pockets have h < 42 cm high, Standards have 42 < h < 50 and XLs have 50 < h < 58. 12.3: Maximum and minimum points and optimisation 84 21 Chapter summary The sine rule AABC, where a is the length of the side opposite A, b is the length opposite Band c is the length of the side opposite C: a _ b _ c sin A _ sin B _ sin C sin A sin# sinC d b c For any Cosine rule For AABC, where a is the length of the side opposite A, b is the length of the side opposite B and c is the length of the side opposite C: a2 = b2 + c2 - 2be cos A b2 = a2 + c2 - laccosB c2 = a2+ b2 - lab cos C Triangle area formula The area of any triangle AABC is given by the formulae 2 or area=-tfcsin# or area = 2 trigonom etry besin A Geometry and area = -absin C 2 Parallelogram area formula The area of any parallelogram ABCD is given by the formula area ab sin C Sector A sector is a portion of a circle lying between two radii and the subtended arc. The volume of the cone is also the same as a pyramid with the same base area and height. D a Draw this Venn diagram with numbers assigned to the eight regions. b 20.9cm (3 s.f.) He kept a record covering 120 days and the results are shown in the following table. (2 marks) a Calculate the angle between the line [AE] and the plane face ABCD. 33.1 cm2 (3 s.f.) Example 21 State which of the following nets can make a cube. 4.4: Parallel and perpendicular lines 3 Example 26 International A cylindrical can holds three tennis balls. Example 2? Measuring space: accuracy and 2D geometry 99.0cm2 (3 s.f.) Imagine making cuts along some edges of a solid and opening it up to form a Hal figure. Can you use this unit to measure the volume of a solid? Sketch the prism and mark the angles described below. It is also very thorough with its content. Jane Forre David Harri Nadia Stoy Paula, Dynamic Learning is an online subscription solution that supports teachers and students with quality content and unique, O X 978-0-19-842698-1 Publication date: 173 (3 s.f.) Slowly and carefully place the potato in the water, and again note the height of the water. Give all possible unrounded values for each measure as intervals in the form a /25 Substitute the lengths into the formula for the cosine rule. Sinusoidal models Determine the difference in water level Determine the area of a with... Measured to another one, or by sampling plane that is measured another... Box created by the net PI: ABCDE is a square-based pyramid cost to fill the created! Download accompanies the IB and ethical decisions c find the area of the nets... With some degree of reliability are called significant figures ( sf ) Write the zeros keep. 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