extra credits controversy

The series continued to air on The Escapist from July 28, 2010, to August 10, 2011. Mitchell M. Handelsman, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of Colorado Denver. The regicide of the Roman Emperors during the Crisis of the Third Century? How might you decide? Even in my classes with the greatest gender balance, this is the case. Then they need to think of specific and vivid stories and perspectives that emerged in the session that were meaningful. The video is more concerned with telling you its ideals and core message as opposed to debating the topic and the consequences surrounding their debate. An interesting issue about extra credit is that some people attend an event and consciously decide not to write about it. My largest issue was that the arguments made were similar to Jack Thompson era "videogames cause violent behavior" from over a decade ago. During such events, we showcase speakers, poetry readings, films and panels that focus attention on an interesting topic related to sociology and gender studies. The series was developed directly from a series of lecture videos by animator Daniel Floyd, informally known as Video Games And, which ran sporadically from February 17, 2008, to April 16, 2010, with certain episodes written by James Portnow. They released a video on Wednesday that said we shouldnt treat German soldiers as humans (indirectly, they basically said we shouldnt treat nazis as though they were the same as regular people, and that German soldiers were nazis unless explicitly stated otherwise), and presented an argument remarkably similar to video games cause violence, but with nazism. In Wills post he said he wasnt a fantastic employee, this attack is both aggressive and oddly consistent with his story. I dont think I need to explain why that seems crazy. [27] The forum was independently spun off as Bonus Points, while a semi-official Discord server was established to fill the community gap and a new official website was launched in late 2017. Meant for PAX East 2012, a tribute video to Extra Credits was also made featuring some fans and colleagues of the crew. Privacy, Extra Credits Team Leaves Escapist Over Alleged Back Payment | Elder-Geek.com, Extra Credits: Sexual Misconduct Accusations Joseph Parrish Medium, Statement Regarding Harassment Allegations -- Extra Credits, I'm Will and thanks to Extra Credits I had to tell the internet I'm not a Nazi, Clarification on Will Overgard's Termination, Stop Normalizing Nazis Socially Conscious Game Design Extra Credits. And, the value needs to be related to course content. After the fundraiser was over, Alexander Macris aka Archon, representing The Escapist, the site that hosted Extra Credits at the time, supposedly requested three fourths of the total fundraised money be given to The Escapist, despite James Portnow stating that he and the site had a verbal agreement that the latter would be lowest in priority to be paid. How much is them, and if James even wrote any of it is all speculation. And I have strict rules for both how they must complete these assignments and the deadlines they must adhere to. Aka, you're a fucking human being with a decent sense of attitude and what's going on around. A little later, Will Overgard made this post. The post itself is not utterly disgusting, what makes it gross is that it seemingly exists to misdirect from the claims against James. He also fails to address the claim that Soraya was not involved in the investigation. Good people usually do things they regret in bad breakups. Thank you for your perspective on this whole ordeal, and taking the time to type that out as well. One finding is that. The crew, overwhelmed at the response, decided to start an independent game publisher with the excess profits. Portnow also brought in colleague Dan Emmons to run Design Club, a series supplemented by live streams in which Emmons discusses the merits of design as they pertain to specific games or levels. I also take the liberty to assign points beyond five if the paper is exceptional. A Personal Perspective: Should we be lenient about late assignments? At a campus with fewer regular evening activities that are intellectually stimulating, and at one that is more remote and rural, students who attend these say it helps them to feel more a part of the campus community and connects them in important ways to their peers, professors and other resources for their professional and personal growth. James is charismatic and manipulative, according to them, and it can easy be easy to get roped into siding with him either through his threats or his ability to sway people in the moment. Besides Side Quest, the channel runs several other let's play series. College students this year might be a bit more politically divided, pessimistic about the world, anxious, and overconfident than they have been. I find that when they do attend, they are less likely to submit the required accompanying paper that would earn the extra credit. The series originally aired on The Escapist from July 28, 2010, to August 10, 2011, before being split off over a financial dispute. "[2] In California, during late 2006, there was controversy when students were offered extra credits simply for buying course books in an effort to overcome a lack of resources. [10] Alexander Macris, then-content director for The Escapist, led the claim and stated the money should have been used to create more episodes of Extra Credits and to compensate parent company Themis Media for donation incentives, such as premium memberships and T-shirts. Extra Frames is a series of videos produced by Floyd in which he discusses video game animation, which has since rebranded to New Frames Plus[34](see PlayFrame below). Followed by their community manager claiming that everyone who didn't like the video were bigots. They tried to claim that candy crush is brilliant and deep and has a lot of thought put into it and encouraged us to "think like designers" by asking . It was to the point that at the end of 2022 they announced that they would primarily focus on using the Extra Credits channel for posting history videos and migrate the gaming videos to a secondary channel. He reacted in a way that reflects badly on him as a person independent of the claims. A new analysis estimates the potential gain in IQ points. Further, u/SentientTurtle notes that paying Will is likely not illegal in the first place, though we havent had someone whos actually dealt with foreign hires weigh in yet. Literally Media Ltd. Understandably, professors are all over the map on the issue of extra credit. ", Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Extra_Credits&oldid=1148765830, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from June 2018, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Kiner Brothers (Extra History) Some professors, however, like to say that the reason they give extra credit for (or require) such participation is for the benefit of students. What actually happened? I also ask that they address the relevance that the event had for them personally and to demonstrate what was the most powerful and memorable aspect of it that they experienced. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If they wanted to make a video about extremist groups in gaming, I genuinely believe they could have made a better video than this. That is not simply because more college students are female than male. Something I neglected to mention that I feel is important: Both Will and Soraya go out of their way to say not to direct hate at anyone else in EC. [11] As a result, Extra Credits broke ties with The Escapist,[12] and after a brief four-week stint posting directly to YouTube,[13] the show was picked up by Penny Arcade's PATV network.[14]. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Topics are chosen by a monthly poll seeded with suggestions made by Patreon supporters. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. "[3] In response, Extra Credits released a statement saying they hired an independent HR firm to investigate these issues and that they found no evidence of improprieties having occurred. Basically every right winger in the west is a borderline neo-nazi at this point so this did not go over well. Men have long been silent and stoic about their inner lives, but theres every reason for them to open up emotionallyand their partners are helping. The series of videos discusses topics pertinent to video game development and game studies, addressing the legitimacy of video games as art, and creating intellectual discourse on important issues in gaming culture.[1]. His personal post could have included a real apology and/or self examination rather than minimizing his own behavior. On June 9th of 2018, Soraya Hajji, a former employee of Extra Credits, accused James Portnow of the workplace and personal harassment after breaking up with him, continuing even after she resigned by slandering her behind her back to her former co-workers. Mitch is also the co-author (with Sharon Anderson) of Ethics for Psychotherapists and Counselors: A Proactive Approach (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), and an associate editor of the two-volume APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology (American Psychological Association, 2012). Its also a chance to demonstrate to students that I have done my part to meet them halfway and that the rest is their responsibility. ), The Oxford Handbook of Undergraduate Psychology Education (in The Oxford Library of Psychology Series). Will Overgard stated "I had screwed up badly in my personal life and even privately offered to resign over it. No one should put on a costume of an ideology they find abhorrent without actually opting into it in your game. Some are also less apt to keep planners and log events on their calendars. All Rights Reserved. They also like to say that it has some educational value, which it often does. Facing Controversy - How to Stand Up for Games as a Medium - Extra Credits Extra History 2.74M subscribers Subscribe 513K views 11 years ago Video games come under a lot of popular. Only watched the gaming shit on the channel, but its no surprise the other half got bad too. We normalize them. With that in mind, the most general consensus is that the arguments were terribly and condescendingly made. I see two possibilities. Also now were admitting to it to get a juicy hit on Will. Will corroborated that an HR investigation took place, but it didn't involve him or Soraya. For example, I periodically encourage students to attend and write about special events happening on the campus -- such as activities sponsored by the Sociology Club, which I advise, or a Gender Bender Series that I coordinate with a colleague in anthropology. Or both. Standardized tests can only identify weaknesses, not strength. [16], On October 30, 2019, however, in the episode "The Perfect Horror Protagonist - Writing a Character for Fun & Terror", Krol mentioned that James Portnow, the only member of the original lineup, was leaving Extra Credits after 10 years of being the show's writer, even though his scripts would be used for future episodes. 2017 - 2022 by Extra Credits, LLC. We leverage game design and entertainment industry principles to create shows that educate as they entertain, and encourage people both to explore new subjects and think critically about topics they care about. Had EC discredited Wills supposedly false claims, but been kind about it and not overreached they would have looked far better. You explain not only your position, but calmly stated why people might think it's complete bullshit. That is just speculation at this point, however. After receiving his master's from Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center, James worked as a designer for Activision on the Call of Duty franchise before striking out on his own and forming Rainmaker Games, a design and . The episode takes it for granted that turn-based combat with menus is inherently less engaging and interesting than other systems of play, such as. I use this as a time to remind them about priorities and energy. This sort of thinking maybe works with WWI when no one had a strong reason to go to war, but WWII was explicitly driven by fascist ideology. The attack on Will appears not to be their fault, and we cannot blame them just for not having jumped ship on James. The conflict would be less obvious (but still there) if registration were the only grounds for credit. Once the squeaky-voiced boy that did it before left it was pretty much doomed. Dan later left. Copyright 2023 Inside Higher Ed All rights reserved. A large proportion of psychology studies rely on participants recruited from WEIRD (White, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) groups. Literature gives us the opportunity to experience lives, perspectives, and worlds different from our own. If you were a German soldier in WWII you weren't human, the shit those animals did in the east and to their jewish populations were shit demons from the bible would do, not humans, He just posted cringe and is about to lose subscriber, Rightoid filth is seething because they said Nazis are bad. | Website designed by nclud. Even though I believe the new video makes terrible arguments for their conclusion, holding games to scrutiny has always been part of Extra Credits and that doesn't change with this video. Of course, an argument could be made that the "Stop Normalizing Nazis" video should have taken a moment to remind the audience about this. Also, when I say that the post assassinating Will is unprofessional, I don't mean to direct undue hate at Belinda if they did, in fact, write this. October 15, 2015 Celia Wagar. July 1, 2011 marked the creation of a fan-operated community surrounding Extra Credits with a Steam group indirectly started in response to Theus' injury, and which was supported by Portnow. I used to watch this channel for the history content - which is why it surprised me when I saw it on the trending subreddits. She was there for her own curiosity and the enrichment it provided. Since October 2014, episodes have been split between Dan Jones and DeWitt. Even if ECs side of the story is completely to be believed here, and Will is just a troublesome firestarter, a post like this about a former employee reflects badly. This campaign gained over $2,500 within a 24-hour period, and as of June2018[update] lists over $15,000 in monthly pledges. A new survey shows that students notice, and may appreciate, the efforts faculty have made during the pandemic. What are the criteria for judging the ethics of extra credit? The crew announced that their official YouTube channel, which was previously intended to be an outlet for syndication, would become the official release outlet starting at the beginning of 2014. but that's a misrepresentation. If Dr. Hamilton were teaching political science, the experience of registering to vote might (might!) It's called New Frame Plus. On August 6, 2018 Extra Credits announced their first game jam hosted on itch.io, running from August 16 - August 18. Only this time, video games apparently turn people. Ugly Cute: For others, it just made it much worse. Robert Walpole gets this treatment in the final episode of the South Sea Bubble episode where he ends up being being behind literally everything that wraps up the crisis (and sees him cultivate more money and power), with the effect that "It was Walpole" became a, Extra Credits' reputation was tarnished by their defense of. "God Does Not Play Dice". Recently, I invited students to accompany me to a film on meditation that was part of a special screening off campus. Ask Us Anything! No, they said that we shouldn't treat them as moral equivalent, as "just another side of a conflict". My "community guidelines" violations were never discussed. practice was at an One more consideration for now: One professor in the Hill survey said, I believe extra credit defeats the purpose of knowing the material. If students get a higher grade because of effort tangential to the course, what does the grade mean? Extra Credits released this official response. Overgard frequently streamed video games on the channel until his removal in April 2018. Credit Scores: $20 value. Is it ethical for Dr. Hamilton to make this offer? Hamilton works for a get-out-the-vote group affiliated with a ballot initiative to increase spending on education, and offers to have students help out on Election Day for a few extra extra-credit points. Considering the series roots, this is especially disappointing to me as a fan. Extra credit is a way to gain points, particularly used in schools.[1]. That didn't help. Note the stress on the female investigator, and the lack of information on the HR firm itself. On February 17, 2008, Daniel Floyd and James Portnow create the first "Videos games and" episode as a graduate assignment. To offer extra credit or not to offer extra credit? That is, until we get to ECs official response. In fact, this info makes me think Belinda may well be another person who got fucked over. Not only did he react in an oddly lawyerly fashion, as if he had something to hide. On July 4th, 2019, Twitter user @TheAtlasOne posted a parody of the video in which the player was forced to play as a plumber in a Super Mario game (shown below). But, since deciding to offer extra credit opportunities, I have encountered the opposite. Hill IV, G. W., Palladino, J. J., & Eison, J. Even if he truly believes hes done nothing wrong, but acknowledges Soraya was hurt, a single Im sorry, or I fucked up seems appropriate. Lord knows if it's in any way accurate. Made a new thread, but for compilation's sake I'll put the whole thing here as well: It basically confirms that Belinda was not the sole author of EC's response. After a series of exchanges, the extra money from the campaign was used to start a publisher for independent games.[1]. In both of these cases, extra credit can promote differentiated instruction by factoring in optional work in the assessment of student performance. I know they didnt mean to, but an oops, my bad, even while eviscerating him for everything else would have made them seem more even handed. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. In their personal post, they are not out to get Will, whereas the EC post has a clear intent to completely discredit him. Handelsman, M. M., & Woody, W. D. (in press). Students may choose one assignment from each category. The Authority for Financial Markets (AFM) wants more legislation on these services, which aren't considered consumer credit under current law, to ensure they follow the . It references the aftermath of his termination, which involved Extra Credits announcing publicly that he had breached community guidelines. Anyway, first lets go over the major pieces: The situation started with this chain of tweets from Soraya. "[30], Starting February 2021, Extra Credits started posting their videos ad-free on Nebula Streaming Service as part of the Standard Creator Community,[31] with some exclusive and extended cut videos on the service.[32]. Pursuit of passions requires time for play and self-directed education. For more information, please see our These are just my thoughts though, and this whole situation is so nuts I doubt my own logic half the time. Different People seem to have different specific issues with the video, some are even taking issue with the way Extra Credits staff handled the backlash. Hill and his colleagues present a few ideas for extra credit that bear no relationship to the course. #1 Stop Normalizing Nazis - Socially Conscious Game Design - Extra Credits Watch on Historical and current political context matters in game design. On the same day, Extra Credits community manager tweeted a comment on the negative reaction to the latest video, accusing those unsubscribing from the channel of being bigots (shown below, left).[12]. The opening song, "Penguin Cap" by CarboHydroM, is a cover of the "Slide" music cue from Super Mario 64. Soraya was not involved in the west is a borderline neo-nazi at this point however. You 're a fucking human being with a decent sense of attitude and what going. Not to offer extra credit is a professor of psychology studies rely on participants recruited from WEIRD White. Of psychology studies rely on participants recruited from WEIRD ( White, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic groups! 10, 2011 some are also less apt to keep planners and log events on their calendars a. In mind, the efforts faculty have made during the Crisis of the crew overwhelmed... The efforts faculty have made during the Crisis of the claims of psychology studies rely on recruited. 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