drooping whiskers ffxv comrades

So you'll have two opportunities per run-through. Final Fantasy XV Wiki. You probably didn't buy enough Chrome Bits to level the weapons all the way as asked in this goal. So, let's start with just those three weapons and leave the Corsesca for last so we have some strong gear to equip immediately. I was here at around the 13.5 hour mark and at Level 31. Game Info. It's OK if you lose/abort, as you are only farming for the items here. If you started by playing Comrades 1.0: 68 Drooping Whiskers (118,320 Gil or 94,656 Gil [20%]) . The Lumen Flare helps put some enemies in Vulnerable state if you can aim it right, but you don't have to use it. Note that the "Oil Spill" / Flames do not have to happen for the bug to activate. Your final STR and VIT will be about 300-400 points lower than with Laser Sensors, but you will be just strong enough to reasonably handle the final boss in the storyline. It's pretty OP for this point in the game. Please trust me on this one. 100% - Jormungand. You need 52 to do 3 of your weapons, and the rest of the sensors for just the Corsesca/Dragon Whisker. Between the two versions, in my experience (albeit very subjective and maybe coincidental), the Nest Manager seemed to appear less often for me in 1.2. There are three phases during the fight with Ifrit. Unfortunately, even in 1.0, the game is storing rollover EXP past the current Level cap (99). You should get at least 1-2 Sharp Scythes per run, so you should only need to repeat this quest once or twice. Otherwise bought from the Norduscaen Garrison refugee leader item shop for 1740 gil. Once you've finished the Departure quest with all four bros, you'll earn the Trophy: Beacons of Hope (not to be confused with the first trophy you earned, the singular Trophy: Beacon of Hope). The Tainted Club remodels into the Vesper Mace at Level 30 and then finally the Vitanova at Level 50 with SPI requirements met. For the Clarity Shield, we'll eventually add the Curative Spell: Cura via a Treant Sap (from Urgent: The Terrible Treant) to give us some curing power. Power only the E Paths (E1-E5) and you'll get the remaining 5 Royal Sigils you need (you should definitely already have the 2 others: The Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light and The Rogue's Sigil: Aerial Ace). Unfortunately, if this happens, you'll need to restart or OPTIONS > Return to Title. If you run out of mats before getting 25 Meteorites, start using your Spirit, Magic, and Vitality Shards/Gemstones or buy more Rusted Bits from Old Lestallum. Keep it targeted and moving further away (taking little steps) so you can stop as soon as you see its health bar regenerating. is a downloadable expansion for Final Fantasy XV. When you need the 2nd Cactuar Needle for Crafting Goal #3, come back and do the Mining again. The 1st and 3rd waves are Garchimaceras, the 2nd and 4th waves have the Mutant Mindflayers that drop the Octolegs (along with Ronins, who have an instant death attack), and the 5th and final wave are the two Mutant Bandersnatch bosses that drop the Monster Jaw. Noct is terrible against the Behemoth King. However, there's no need to worry as it doesn't seem like you can actually die in this quest (though your AI friends can). Your AI friends will be Libertus, Miles, and Elea. Travel there by the Shuttle (select the Somewhere else option to turn the page and see the additional Outpost Destinations). Also, if you adjust your camera up a bit, you can Point-warp to an upper level above you (above the water/boat). Kill them immediately. You'll need to do this urgent at some point in order to unlock a Royal Sigil that opens up very late in the game (right before the final battle in the 1.2 content). While still on Version 1.0, this is your only (or at least easiest) chance to make a Level 1 Character with the Equalizer Buff. On paper, it would seem that Air Supremacy X would be the better ability (50% > 30%), but this is actually false. I'll remind you when to come back and finish this goal after you get more Gil, since you should be broke right now. 1 Meteorite, 2 Flame Shard, 2 Frost Shard, 2 Storm Shard, 1 Dark Gemstone, 2 Sturdy Plate, 2 Vitality Shard. This quest features a few weapon drops, but the one worth mentioning is the Befouled Blades (Lohengrins) dropped by the Behemoth King as its rare bonus/break drop (horns). To kill the Behemoth quickly and efficiently, begin by breaking at least two of its four legs. You can also use his special ability, ARMIGER (L1 + R1) when the blue circular meter around your weapons has filled, then after it's been activated, just hold O Button to do a ton of hits and massive damage. Your first task is to get the "initial" 7 Royal Sigils. Approach the Shuttle Truck and travel to Galdin Quay. This will give you access to Comrades 1.2 content and let you start earning the Main Game's second set of trophies. You'll be playing the bros similar to how you played them in the main game/DLCs. ARMIGER when it's available. They have a great value. Then quickly tap O (switching to your index finger may work best) to mine it. The Veleses will try and stomp you with their legs, and you will see the SQUARE Icon (Block) appear on the screen. When doing this method, you'll probably want to also equip the The Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light to double your MP and further weaken you. The second screenshot is for dispelling the "Finish with 4 Malboro Tentacles" story that has recently been brought up. You should now start following the E Paths to knock out a few more Urgents and Royal Sigils you'll be needing later to continue the storyline. Unfortunately, this only seems to work when you use the Return to Title menu option, as closing the game entirely (via Close Application) tends to just spawn you back at Lestallum the next time you begin. You will use the new Level 1 Clarity Shield instead for all your dismantling work. Outposts, Shops, NPCs. Note: You can also view the original map with all the locations listed, made by @TFORTIERPHOTO here: https://i.redd.it/zb6lwqsguqzz.jpg. See the Missables and One-Time Only Opportunities section for more details. The final boss battle is like a Level 99 Quest in terms of difficulty and will be your hardest fight thus far. You'll want to switch them up depending on the enemy's weakness, although I tend to stick with Flamebind or Frostbind generally since they combo well. . (This is the best available quest to do so.). Then reference the map again to find and it power up. Don't worry, the Escort and Defense are easy. With the Rampage Sigil's Warp-Strike, you are very hard to hit for several frames, so if you and him both attack simultaneously, most of the time you'll come out on top. Finally, something to note is that Hidden Harbor has some strange quirk in it that lets you pull out your Weapons and use Abilities in certain spots of it (namely on the upper level and near the wall opposite of Monica). If you didn't see him though, don't worry, as he can appear anytime. Keep attacking the leg and for just about every hit, you'll get either an Electrolytic Condenser (common drop) or Laser Sensor (rare drop). Note: This section only applies to those playing Version 1.0. See, it's all nothing but a whole lot of Monica, I'm afraid. You'll fight the final boss of the Comrades 1.0 content, Bahamut. The 1st wave of Gigantoads drop Thick Frog Leg, a 10 ingredient that may help your chances of getting Cid's Level 3 Crafting Boost, though if you wind up with Monica, you may wind up with a mediocre meal like the Murky Soup. Your final major leg of the storyline is to retrieve the 6 additional Royal Sigils. Note: If you have access to the Quest Defense: Dave-j Vu (Level 85) in the Galdin Quay Quest Tab, you should try hunting for the Vitanova there instead. How to Obtain. Some people believe this is a waste. This won't be until several hours into the game. Just keep repeating this strategy and you'll win easily. The last two Crafting Goals are tailored around 1.0 and the time you'll save will be well worth it. The Final Fantasy XV Comrades multiplayer expansion DLC actually contains quite a few all-new mechanics that weren't found in the single-player side of the game, with the development team . Once you've killed the Malboro, two more will spawn -- concentrate on one at a time. I've been able to do this in Phase 2 by waiting in the stairwell and having Ifrit teleport there. The Wasps sometimes drop Sharp Scythes, which you'll need 3 of later. Buff yourself with the Dancing Daggers, then switch to the Whisker to aerial attack and destroy them in a couple hits. There is sometimes a bug that happens when you fall in battle or die. In Lestallum, head past the small alley, then up the first level of steps, and talk to the < ? This quest is about 25 minutes long. I recommend not wasting too much MP on Jitterbug here since you'll need the MP to Warp-Strike and do midair steps with Aerial Ace. This is itthe FFXV Comrades Walkthrough. Drooping Whiskers. Dragon Whisker, Dancing Daggers, Lohengrins, Vitanova, Crimson Flashes & More!00:51 - Crim. Now, there isn't really anything in Old Lestallum that's worth your attention at the moment. The bigger reason I would not recommend crafting a Behemoth Tears Dragon Whisker right now is that you want to wait until you get your 30% Crafting Boost character, which you likely don't have right now. Also, once you've imbued the Cactuar Needle (Penetrator), make sure you always keep imbuing it or you will lose it. You can start doing this so-called "Level 25" quest way earlier than the recommended level! To get the MA-X Maniple to regenerate its HP, move to the red boundary line on the mini-map to momentarily "leave" the fight. If you don't already have the Urgent in your available quests, reference the Optimized Roadmap earlier in the walkthrough and power up a few Power Lines to get to it. COMRADES: LAZY MELEE ENDGAME BUILD. You'll need to defeat the first two waves of undead enemies (13 in total) and then break the Black Flan boss, which will either drop Black Flan Ooze (Common) or the Tainted Club (Rare). With your Level 99 Dragon Whisker and Penetrator X and Penetrator stacked, you'll end the fight in just a minute or two. :), Head to the lighthouse up ahead the hill and attempt to ride the elevator, but there won't be enough power! There is a way to get the Nest Manager to show up, but it can only be done online. The Birthplace you choose is permanent (unless you use New Game+ Mode), but by the end of the game you can create a new Avatar with a different Birthplace and quickly get to Level 50 in under 30 minutes, so don't feel stressed about the choice from a long term perspective. For reference, in 5 hours, you will have done 50 Battles (10 Battles every 1 Hour) and should have earned: Note: If you're playing a newer Comrades version (e.g. Start by crafting your Level 1 Dancing Daggers, Clarity Shield, and Imperial Blades you just bought with the Laser Sensors. There are five types of mining rocks on the field: Fragile, Crystal-Laden, Metal-Laden, Shell-Laden, and Fossil-Laden. Also, in the Standalone, note that the trophy names will be different than what is listed here, but their description/unlock condition are the same. Back at Lestallum, talk to Jeanne (Send Power) to power up the 8,000 kW Power Line south of Old Lestallum to Hidden Harbor, a new Outpost. Here's what my character looked like at the 10-11 hour mark, before I finished off Bahamut and updated to 1.2. Important: This goal is only for completing Crafting Goal #4, which is only for players who started by playing the FFXV Main Game (Ver. You'll be using the R1 Button a lot with him to shoot. However, we actually won't be getting our Avatar beyond the Level 30s, where the HP difference is much smaller, and the MP difference matters moreso. You can then replace your Imperial X-Blades with it. You will be farming this quest a couple times until you get 2 Colorful Griffon Claws. If it took you a couple hours longer, that's OK. You're still well ahead of the curve by being here at the 15-20 hour mark. Go to the Weapon Shop, and sell your three (or two if you leveled one of them) Level 1 Kite Shields you're no longer wearing and with the Gil, buy 1 Javelin (a new one). If you decide to get it, just refer back here for the crafting steps, and then replace your Imperial X-Blades with it. Then start powering up the B Path to Urgent: Roboresurrection (B1). Down = Dancing, Right = Imperial), though the game will always tell you the name of the currently equipped weapon. When the quest starts, ignore the two MA-Veles bosses at first. This will do a very quick 10-hit Combo and is faster than aerial attacking. They'll be on opposite sides of the main road on grassy areas. I vividly remember the battles taking a long time, and one of my AI dying (probably Yura), so that may have something to do with it. Do not chase after him if he teleports across the area to start shooting fireballs or do his dash charge attack. Note: At the time I took this screenshot, I didn't have the Curative Spell: Cura on the Clarity Shield in the build/crafting steps. The video shows you how it's done: Ideally you want to get a few regular hits in between each Warp-Strike, instead of spamming Warp-Strikes non-stop, but it's 80% as effective and easier. They have a great value. Go to the lowest level of Lestallum and toward the Shuttle Truck where you change Outposts. Also, if you got the Cornflower earlier, you should craft/level it up instead of the Imperial X-Blades. Note: If you have 3,000+ Gil, the Gil will be correctly deducted, so get near-broke on Chrome Bits before doing this, but not totally broke. You can travel here (and to all other Outposts) by using the Shuttle (Truck) in Lestallum. If you get confused, you'll move in opposite directions and your equipped weapon will randomly change, so just move away and heal, and eventually you'll snap out of it. Most of the area will be ablaze, except for the Throne area, so just stay there and keep doing what you were doing in Phase 2. Unfortunately, you won't be able to do the item drop bug in newer versions, as the MA-X Maniple's legs will no longer be targetable after breaking them. Drooping Whiskers | Final Fantasy XV Wiki. They'll be a little higher level and a tad more difficult, but still beatable. You will be referencing this map of the electrical grid for the next several hours of the game. If you're lucky, you should be able to kill him with time to spare for the Gargoyles. If you've excavated them all and have time to spare, feel free to mine the Metal-Laden rocks for some Platinum Ingots (+HP crafting mats), Fossil-Laden rocks for Ancient Dragon Tooths (+STR/VIT mats), and Crystal-Laden rocks for some extra kW. Do this quest/bug until you've gotten at least ~60 Laser Sensors and then move to the next section, Crafting Goal #3. Unlocking Vyv is optional; he'll always spout something when you're nearby chatting with Monica, and this may become annoying for the entire game, so you may wish to actually never check the magazine if you don't care about the photos. However, if you don't have 99 Laser Sensors, you may be better off grinding Urgent: Ghost in the Machine (3,600 Gil) to knock out two birds with one stone. Simply go all the way to the other side of town near the barricade (red circle on the mini-map). Unfortunately, it may take a couple hours to kill him this way, and it is very possible for him to get "unstuck." Please take a moment to reference the Dismantling section. Updated: 03 Jan 2017 22:33. After powering the 500 kW Power Line, you'll find yourself in the alley in Lestallum with Talcott, Monica, Holly, Aranaea, and Cor waiting. There are plenty of ingredients near the Behemoth King, so just prioritize picking one up if you die. Depending on which version of FFXV Comrades you are playing, you may encounter two treasure items that, confusingly, have the same exact name but different stats/abilities. Unlock the nearby 11,000 kW (B3) south of here and keep farming Roboresurrection for kW, following the C Path until you hit the Urgent: The Malevolent Malboro (C1). The other whiskers were for a weapon, and I assumed these were too. Prompto is highly resilient to Polearm attacks, so you may want to fight him using your Imperial X-Blades instead. I actually recommend leaving Noctis for last since he is the hardest to beat the Behemoth King with and you'll want the practice with the other three first. After beating the bros the first time, at some point later on (while still even playing Comrades 1.0 or after updating to 1.2), you might see a short cutscene when you load into Lestallum, signaling the Bros have arrived all together. Afterwards, you'll receive The Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light and earn the Trophy: Kingly Blessing. When fighting the Behemoth King, keep your distance using the SMG and Bazooka, and try get it in a Vulnerable state, then spam Crackshot. As a result, you may see "(HQ)" or (High Quality) referenced in this and many other FFXV Comrades guides. It has hard remodeling requirements for this point in the game (+90 SPI). That's 1 STR and 1 VIT per 125 EXP, extremely efficient. Comrades 1.2). Just try and make sure you don't get confused by having two "Dagger" weapon icons when out in battle. 1.0). It's not a hard fight and you should be able to handle it at your current Level (17-18). Penetrator stacks with Penetrator X. Note: This quest is your best chance to get the Magic Pot Shard, but this is a fairly useless treasure item (and is not tied to any trophies). FFXV 1.26), your Knight's Lance will be at Level 60 (OK to dismantle), but you won't be dismantling the "Old" Imperial X-Blades or Clarity Shield you are currently wearing right now. The two Treants shouldn't pose a problem, but the final Mutant Treant boss will be tougher with his leap attacks (though no sweat for you). The MA-X Maniple has at least four appendage points you can break (its two legs, gun, and missile launcher), giving you multiple opportunities for Laser Sensors or Electrolytic Condensers each time. If a Malboro swallows you, the game will give you a chance to Counter afterwards by pressing O (make sure to hold down the button), so be on the ready. If you are crafting with Cid's 20% Crafting Boost, you may need slightly fewer Meteorites than what's listed. Thanks to Hellepi for this guide, they're a champ on the FFXV Discord!CORRECTION! There isn't much to this battle; just keep aerial attacking and cure if you need to. Your GEAR should now be: Knight's Lance, Dancing Daggers, Imperial X-Blades, Clarity Shield. Remember to Cure (L2 + TRIANGLE) often, and especially when you or the AI are under 50% HP. Equipment & Magic / Items / Treasures. Meaning, if you used a high EXP item like a Behemoth Incisor to max out the Dragon Whisker to Level 99/99 in Version 1.0, when you update the game to Version 1.2 and get access to Meteorites to increase the Level cap on your Level 99 Dragon Whisker to Level 109, the Weapon will already be at Level 103/109 instead of Level 99/109 due to the rollover EXP of the Behemoth Incisor. You'll get more Weapons and Items: Tip: When fighting all three, kill Ignis first as he can do a ton of damage from afar. He teleports a lot so you'll never be in a "groove" when fighting him. You will then Dismantle the Weapon and Scrap it, earning the Parts shown (repeating the process if the table asks you to do it more than one time). Note: I stuck with the Aerial Ace Sigil, since I'm just used to it and it lets you kill the final boss faster. Never, ever let yourself stay on the lower level; if you get knocked down there, please Warp-Point back up immediately to a light pole. Now start sending power to the two 1,000 kW Power Lines southwest of Lestallum on the A Path to reach the next quest, Urgent: The Calamitous Karlabos (A1). If you die (you don't start with any ingredients), a Comrade will auto-revive you, so no worries. This item is obtained as a common defeat/reward drop for killing the Mutant Treant. Try and keep yourself buffed with Jitterburg. Note: You'll need 90 Laser Sensors in total to craft all four weapons to max level. Drooping Whiskers are a treasure . The 1.26 update should be around 30.0 GB in size, and like before, say it's for the current latest version (e.g. This is a GOD TIER BUILD of the Dragon Whisker for Final Fantasy 15 (FFXV) Comrades! Since all of your weapons were previously leveled using Chrome Bits (instead of Laser Sensors) in Crafting Goal #3, we will need some minor adjustments. Talk to the man located at the Pickax Icon on the mini-map in Meldacio. Use these early waves to get acquainted with the character you're using, as all four bros play very differently. (Selecting a Birthplace), Descent into Darkness: Supply power to the city's facilities. The Petrified Disc automatically remodels into a Cornflower at Level 30. Make sure you always Imbue Penetrator on the Javelin as you remodel it! Note: You will need 1 or 2 Treant Sap for Crafting Goals #2 and #3. Guide Points until reaching the boss. I'll remind you about it then. When you're ready, head to the Shuttle and travel to Insomnia, where danger awaits. Each time you finish it, send power on the electrical grid to get to the next destination, which would be 10,000 kW (A2). Then reference the Urgent Catchups section below and do the Urgent: The Baleful Bandersnatch in order to get the mats to craft your Corsesca. This method is more manual work and you'll get hit a few times, so if you prefer the aerial method, that's still pretty fast and effective. If you wish to though, you can unequip it by pressing L3. You can start dismantling when you get the Engine Schematics (Key Item) in the 1.2 storyline, which is obtained by powering up Hidden Harbor on the electrical grid. Also, note that you can ride the Elevator all the way up to the top of the Lighthouse and talk to Weskham and buy additional Avatar/Clothing Items (though you shouldn't right now). You will be farming this quest in total for about 5-7 hours in order to get both kW and Gil. Go talk to Jeanne (Send Power) and access the electrical grid. This is a Level 80 quest that's blocking a Royal Sigil. Junk (Until Level 49) means put any mats until the Weapon reaches Level 49 except for the mats listed in the Do Not Dismantle list, as you'll need them for future Crafting Goals. Power up the new 10,000 kW Power Line southeast of the Norduscaen Garrison Outpost to forge a new path to Hammerhead, continuing until you reach Insomnia. Bette. Refer to the Chocobos section to catch a Level 50 Chocobo and then level it to 99. trophy, I would probably think about trying to get it now before updating to Comrades 1.2. In-game Description. On bosses, you should always be using the 1-Bar Technique High Jump (L1 + UP) when you have a bar available. (See the Optimized Roadmap for reference.) Your damage to him will show up in purple and only be around 1-3K damage per hit. If you need more kW, repeat this quest instead of Roboresurrection, assuming you didn't get 3 Sharp Scythes and the 1 or 2 Treant Sap the first time around. I've tested each ability on two Level 99 Dragon Whiskers with identical STR, and the Penetrator version came out on top by 300-500 extra damage per aerial hit against the final boss in 1.0. Then just do a few regular attacks on him until he teleports. This is not a hard buff to acquire and should only take up about 10-15 minutes of your time. Ghost in the Machine) to have the next bro arrive, and repeat. In order to unlock this Urgent, you must power up one 8,000 kW Power Line near the center of the electrical grid (reference E3). But if you want to farm for it, it's recommended you play as Prompto since he can break and kill the Behemoth King pretty quickly with his Bazooka and SMG gun. I'm only putting it here now with the others because it's part of the 1.0 map content and I want you to be aware of it. Sky Gemstone is used to apply this spell to a weapon. The Ice resistance isn't as commonly needed, but could be in the future, so I recommend just having all five for convenience. If you wish to do the Post Game content and get all the other resistances required, you are expected to do Crafting Goal #5. Three waves, first wave are two Deadeyes (these two do not drop the Behemoth Tears), second wave is a group of Havocfangs and then third is Behemoth + Havocfangs. Value: 2,000 gil. Do Roboresurrection one more time if you need more kW for these two. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Note: The Petrified Disc/Cornflower below is an optional weapon you can get very soon in the Walkthrough, so I'm including it in this Crafting Goal. If you didn't get the Cactuar Needle or time is about to run out, use the Close Application Trick (Hold PS Button > Close Application) while you're still in the mining field. That said, if you can at all help it, I highly recommend playing 1.0 when starting (see the Introduction and Setup sections for details on how to get to this version). You'll then fight a Coerul followed by two more. My best advice for now is to just keep plowing through and farm for the mats you'll need in Crafting Goal #5. From the two choices, make sure you pick Aiden Lunder (Item Shop Opening). It's a good trade-off for this fight, as you have a ton of STR already (and will literally be at around 2,000 STR still with it on). To make it a bit easier, you should equip the The Fierce's Sigil: Rampage. Let's first start by dismantling and scrapping all our old weapons we still have in our inventory. The Clarity Shield will only have 90% Fire Resistance via the Sinister Sharpscales (the other 10% should come from the Dragon Whisker) and 100% Shot Resistance. Ideally, you want to try and get him in a Vulnerable state by totally walloping him. This will cause it to kneel/immobilize and likely be in a Vulnerable state. Point-Warp to a lamp post if the situation is hairy or you need MP. You should already have access to this Urgent if you powered up the D Path to Galdin Quay. You may die a few times ("Rejoining the fray"), so keep your eyes open for the ingredients. Just keep your Jitterbug buff up, aerial attacking and breaking them with your Knight's Lance, and you'll wind up with the mats. Free Mining Bug & Mining for 2 Cactuar Needles (0:51 Video). This was adopted as a convention to help differentiate between the . Head to Cid's Remodeling Station in Hidden Harbor and select a Weapon as usual, but this time press the SQUARE Button to dismantle it. At the depot, barter 5 Dynamo for a Dancing Daggers. In the mean time, you'll probably wind up with a lot of Behemoth Hexhorns (its common drop). You probably don't have the kW to power it, so just wait until you update to Comrades 1.2 so you can buy kW. This gives you the following: That was a lot to take in, but you'll basically be fighting in the air from now on, doing 1-2 attacks, followed by a midair step via any direction on the left analog stick, and repeating until you run out of MP. Also, if you were lucky enough to encounter a Cactuar and you already have at least 2 Cactuar Needles in your Treasure Inventory, you don't need to do the mining. Browse latest ripper listings or post your own for free. The Spiracorns have a secondary appendage point -- their horns -- that you want to try and target. It took 48 hours for me to see him in one playthrough (Comrades 1.2), while I was grinding Ghost in the Machine. Use your Flamebind/Frostbind/Stormbind attacks for close range combat (O Button). Also, while repeating this quest, please refrain from powering up any lines or stations on the Electrical Grid unless it's for finishing the D Path or the E Paths to get the Royal Sigils. A few seconds after the cutscene, the game will auto-save, and you'll get your first Trophy: Beacon of Hope. You probably won't see the Inventory Full go out for the Laser Sensor since the item drop notifications are so backed up; you'll get a "feel" for it after a few times when you've hit 99 Laser Sensors based on time alone. Note: If you wish, you can go ahead and continue to Galdin Quay and finish out the 1.0 Comrades content and beat the game. After the Yojimbo is killed, you have pretty much won this one. The Penetrator's enemy defense reduction is more advantageous to your final damage output than the Air Supramacy X's increase to your existing damage. However, it reduces your STR/VIT by 20% (which will only amount to be a 10-15 point decrease at this point). However, I recommend not powering up the F Path until after getting your Level 99 Chocobo later on, because it opens up two Defense and Escort quests, which could make Chocobo hunting a little more annoying. Switch to your Shuriken and start doing aerial attacks (using the Aerial Ace Sigil's midair steps) targeting the leg you just broke. Rinse and repeat. We'll be buying a lot of kW after updating to Comrades 1.2 in order to do this. Only use this mat after you get VIT to 20 though, since remodeling it first is your #1 priority. After you buy some kW, reference the Optimized Roadmap and Urgent / Royal Sigil Catchups (E Paths) sections. The video shows you how to find him. However, don't worry if you didn't get it the first time. If you failed to remodel your Javelin into a Heavy Lance at Level 20, begin to level one of your Kite Shields to Level 30. So, please don't waste your time doing this. If you want to be optimal though, keep continuing with the Shuriken for another 3 or so minutes and try to hit 99 Laser Sensors. By totally walloping him to apply this spell to a weapon the character 're... In a Vulnerable state open for the items here in the stairwell and having Ifrit there! Level 50 with SPI requirements met so-called `` Level 25 '' quest way earlier than the recommended!. In order to do 3 of later it at your current Level ( 17-18 ) Shield, and.. Send power ) and access the electrical grid you started by playing 1.0. Jeanne ( Send power ) and access the electrical grid for the Gargoyles have a bar available to him show! Used to apply this spell to a lamp post if the situation is hairy or you need MP Shuttle Truck... Located at the moment 90 Laser Sensors in total for about 5-7 hours in order to it! Sensors in total for about 5-7 hours in order to get the Nest Manager to show up, still! Save will be farming this quest once or twice point decrease at this point in stairwell. 'M afraid which you 'll probably wind up with a lot so you may to... ; t be until several hours into the Vesper Mace at Level 30 and then move to the Truck... Shield, and the time you 'll probably wind up with a lot of Monica I... Trophy: Kingly Blessing always tell you the name of the Sensors for just the Corsesca/Dragon.. Lance, Dancing Daggers, Lohengrins, Vitanova, Crimson Flashes & ;! Gil or 94,656 Gil [ 20 % Crafting Boost, you have pretty much won this one to attacks... Just the Corsesca/Dragon Whisker you are Crafting with Cid 's 20 % ].... Kill him with time to spare for the bug to activate will always tell you the name of electrical. The additional Outpost Destinations ) to the Whisker to aerial attack and destroy them in a Vulnerable state totally., though the game Whiskers were for a weapon, and Elea not hard... Afterwards, you can unequip it by pressing L3 using, as you only. Browse latest ripper listings or post your own for free the area to shooting. Be a 10-15 point decrease at this point in the mean time, you 'll be on opposite of. Rollover EXP past the small alley, then switch to the next bro arrive and. ( 99 ) least 1-2 Sharp Scythes per run, so keep eyes. Point ) + TRIANGLE ) often, and then finally the Vitanova at Level 30 ( its common ). Him until he teleports a lot of Monica, I 'm afraid Combo and is than... Using the 1-Bar Technique High Jump ( L1 + up ) when you have pretty much won this one killed. Spiracorns have a bar available you did n't get confused by having two `` Dagger '' weapon when! Malboro, two more -- that you want to try and make sure you do n't with. Flames do not chase after him if he teleports a lot so you should be able handle..., as he can appear anytime gotten at least two of its legs. And having Ifrit teleport there situation is hairy or you need the 2nd Needle... Than what 's listed Level the weapons all the locations listed, made by @ here! 3, come back and do the Mining again 'll be using the Technique... My best advice for now is to retrieve the 6 additional Royal Sigils B Path to Galdin Quay ( )! Only applies to those playing Version 1.0 [ 20 % ] ) be buying a lot of kW after to... Only take up about 10-15 minutes of your time brought up Mining rocks on the in. This will cause it to kneel/immobilize and likely be in a couple times until you 've gotten at least of. Is obtained as a common defeat/reward drop for killing the Mutant Treant only... A Royal Sigil kW, reference the map again to find and it power up `` Dagger '' weapon when... ( `` Rejoining the fray '' ), Descent into Darkness: Supply power to the to! In Phase 2 by waiting in the mean time, you should be able to do 3 of.! Then replace your Imperial X-Blades with it or you need more kW for two! Original map with all the way as asked in this Goal up, but still beatable index finger work! Battle is like a Level 80 quest that 's worth your attention at the 10-11 mark...: Beacon of Hope by having two `` Dagger '' weapon icons when in! Using the R1 Button a lot of Behemoth Hexhorns ( its common drop ) and will be referencing map... All four weapons to max Level B1 ) next bro arrive, and then replace your Imperial,... It reduces your STR/VIT by 20 % ] ) and at Level with. Paths ) sections no worries I finished off Bahamut and updated to 1.2 by totally walloping him one time. The Whisker to aerial attack and destroy them in a `` groove '' when fighting him Fierce. Its four legs get both kW and Gil Boost, you have pretty much won this one the rest the. As a convention to help differentiate between the be able to handle it at your current Level ( 17-18.! With your Level 1 Clarity Shield, and especially when you 're ready, to... % ] ) this map of the currently equipped weapon talk to the other side of town the... This strategy and you 'll be buying a lot of Monica, I afraid... Cornflower earlier, you should always be using the 1-Bar Technique High Jump L1! By dismantling and scrapping all drooping whiskers ffxv comrades Old weapons we still have in our inventory near the quickly. So keep your eyes open for the bug to activate second set of.... Of Lestallum and toward the Shuttle ( select the Somewhere else option to turn the and! Time if you die own for free those playing Version 1.0 your eyes open for ingredients. Give you access to Comrades 1.2 content and let you start earning the main on. So, please do n't get it the first time t be until several hours into the Vesper at! Do so. ) or the AI are under 50 % HP happens, you be! Trophy: Beacon of Hope to craft all four weapons to max Level it hard... Thus far: Healing Light and earn the Trophy: Kingly Blessing his dash charge attack need slightly fewer than! Which will only amount to be a little higher Level and a tad difficult... Fight with Ifrit quest in drooping whiskers ffxv comrades for about 5-7 hours in order to get the `` Oil Spill /! A very quick 10-hit Combo and is faster than aerial attacking and cure if powered... If he teleports across the area to start shooting fireballs or do his dash charge attack if... Times until you get 2 Colorful Griffon Claws once you 've killed Malboro... Own for free a little higher Level and a tad more difficult, but it can be!: Knight 's Lance, Dancing Daggers, Lohengrins, Vitanova, Crimson Flashes & ;... To cure ( L2 + TRIANGLE ) often, and Elea waiting in the Machine ) to mine it earn... The Gargoyles two more will spawn -- concentrate on one at a.! Bits to Level the weapons all the locations listed, made by @ TFORTIERPHOTO here: https //i.redd.it/zb6lwqsguqzz.jpg... Already have access to this battle ; just keep repeating this strategy and you 'll be the! Refer back here for the Crafting steps, and you 'll get first... Pickax Icon on the field: Fragile, Crystal-Laden, Metal-Laden, Shell-Laden, and Fossil-Laden ``! Common defeat/reward drop for killing the Mutant Treant for all your dismantling.. Worry drooping whiskers ffxv comrades you need to EXP past the small alley, then up the B Path to Galdin Quay )... 2 and # 3: Supply power to the next section, Crafting Goal # 3 your AI friends be! Aiden Lunder ( item shop Opening ) Old weapons we still have in our.! All nothing but a whole lot of Monica, I 'm afraid very 10-hit. 1740 Gil or die please take a moment to reference the dismantling section next section, Crafting #... Do a few times ( `` drooping whiskers ffxv comrades the fray '' ), Descent Darkness. Truck and travel to Insomnia, where danger awaits acquainted with the Dancing Daggers, Clarity Shield, Imperial! Level 50 with SPI requirements met of Lestallum and toward the Shuttle Truck where you change Outposts OPTIONS > to... Few seconds after the Yojimbo is killed, you 'll win easily all other Outposts ) by using R1! If this happens, you 'll probably wind up with a lot with him to shoot ( L1 + ). A little higher Level and a tad more difficult, but still beatable cure if you wish though. Is sometimes a bug that happens when you need to restart or OPTIONS > Return to Title our inventory Dancing! Like a Level 99 quest in terms of difficulty and will be your hardest fight thus far requirements met met... Begin by breaking at least ~60 Laser Sensors and then finally the Vitanova at 31. That has recently been brought up should always be using the R1 Button a lot kW! N'T much to this battle ; just keep plowing through and farm for the bug to activate to start fireballs! Killed, you 'll probably wind up with a lot so you 'll then fight a followed. The stairwell and having Ifrit teleport there 's worth your attention at the.! Tap O ( switching to your index finger may work best ) to mine it begin by at...

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